Malik profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

This page is dedicated to those who stand for something meaningful and for the forgotten souls of humanity. The 12 jewels of Islam is a good start on what I stand for: 1.Knowledge 2.Wisdom 3.Understanding 4.Freedom 5.Justice 6.Equality 7.Food 8.Clothing 9.Shelter 10.Love 11.Peace 12.Happiness


My Interests

Anything that is worth putting some intellectual thought to.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is down for the proletariat and has a love for their roots. Not willing to adopt a ideal that the majority corporatocracy wants you to believe. Wake up and STOP being a assimilationist.


Malcolm X, Slam, Fist of the NorthStar, Ninja Scroll, Rudy, Scarface, Ray, Tranformers and GI Joe the Movie, Robocop, Total Recall, Starship Troopers, Training Day, Education of Sonny Carson, Children of Men, Team America..


Welcome to the Darkside of politics or "politricks"


In Living Color, Simpsons, Family Guy, Cosby Show, Video Music Box, Yo Mtv Raps, Dave Chappelle Show


Millionaire Next Door, The Unseen Hand, A Peoples History of the United States, Quran, Nature of Nature, Intelligent Investor, Behold the Pale Horse, Powernomics, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The 48 Laws of Power, Armchair Millionaire, Nine Ball


My Mother and My Father...May he rest in Peace...Bernard Alfonso Kinsley Oxford