During the 1950's and through the early 1960's the US government conducted remote viewing, mind control and behavior modification experiments on unwitting US soldiers. Projects known as MKUltra, Bluebird, MKNaomi and Monarch are just a few that experimented with LSD, mescaline, plutonium and uranium injections and electroshock. In 1973 all records were destroyed.
During the Korean War, American POW's were turned over by the North Koreans to the Russians, were similar experiments and including some unknown drugs were used. Their records were also destroyed.
This is the fictitious story of Nick Marconi, a POW that was experimented on by Russians and Americans, then, in 1960, at the age of 45, escaped from the VA Rehabilitation Center, never to be seen again, until now.
Unable to age and with special powers that show only while under stress, Nick must find his 13 year old son, Zack, conceived through artificial insemination using another female experimental subject, Leah Reback.
Zack has acquired his father’s powers; however, he can use them at will, but loses them if under emotional stress.
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