Member Since: 5/24/2006
Influences: Currently on the Manacast stereo...
Battles - EP C/ B EP
Fresh and innovative instrumental rock from the Warp stable, combining all of the bands previous material in a double disc release.
Blonde Redhead - Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons
Dark and melancholy multi-lingual rock from this Italian trio .
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven
Devastatingly epic post-rock from the Montreal collective.
Plaid - Double Figure
Beautiful, trippy electronica from the Warp duo. Roll up a fat one, stick on Eyen, and let your brain melt.
(Updated weekly~ish!)
This is the section that allows you to childishly deface some of the pop stars that wont be making it into the review section of our site! Check out our pictures to see some of our favourite scribblings!
This week it's...
James Morrison!!!
YAWN YAWN YAWN JAMES!!!!I've never grown so tired of an artist so quickly in all my life. Over-polished, over-played AND over-rated! Get Scribbling!!
Click Here to get this from!
Previous Artists On Our Player
The following is a list of artists who very kindly let us use their music on our player in the past. They are all fabulous, and deserve to go far! Check them ALL out! (anyone we've forgotten, please contact us!)
1. Acid Lily - Red Flower Acid Mix
2. Absent Machine - Dehydrated
3. Arc Lab - Versions
4. Axiotronic - Bits and Bytes
5. Chemtrail - 35000 Feet
6. Christ. - Vernor Vinge
7. The Deadleaves - Sundaymoon Instrumental
8. Econoline - Go Team!
9. Frazer - Double Standards
10. Great Ezcape - Blessed Thing
11. Grzzly - China Boy
12. The Hungry i - Birthday
13. Joe Acheson Quartet - 1. Brew 2.Burning Circle
14. The Konki Duet - Tree Trail
15. Martin Funk - Recontre
16. Nature Has Patterns - Autodidactic
17. Damien Shingleton - Crossbones Style
18. The Strange Death of Liberal England - Mozart on 33
Type of Label: Major