Music, all shit enjoyable, mates, getting pissed
I feel no need to meet people cos there important. Id rather meet some random and have fun. However I would love to meet your mother, that is if I haven't met her already.
Where to begin. I respect any form of music as long as it isnt comercial. Good on ya for making music not for money but for yourself. Love hardcore punk and also drum and bass. Especially into local and Australian music. Cry murder, mere theory, BLOC PARTY, muse, the cure, the beatles, the doors,the strokes, the dasuns, ramonnes, the sex pistols, butterfly effect, trial kennedy, parkway drive, later that night..., killswitch engage, XAVIER RUDD, hatebreed, fullscale, the open season, move to strike, slayer, black sabboth, thursday, bloc party again, AFI, sparta, mars volta, at the drive in, john butler trio, rise against, funeral for a friend, calyx, marky, teebee, d bridge, moving fusion, alkaline trio, thrice, i killed the prom queen, the rivalry, the teseagles, and the list goes on
UP (please for the love of god track this down and watch it!!!!!!!), Training day, pulp fiction, sin city, reservoir dogs, clock work orange, 2001 a space odessy, kill bill, memento, old skool, the anchor man, porn, supertroopers
The simpsons, the chaser, red dwarf, the late show, the office