I like to fix stuff. Enjoy collecting old trinkets to make my workshop look like I'm older than I am.
Lindy Hopping to big band blasting jazz makes me crazy. Hot femmes in heels and seamed stockings also make me crazy. 1940's clothes, swing jazz, Chevy Pick ups, home renovations, oxy welding, bicycle frame building, original tattoos, Honda CB500T's, imitation facial hair, piano accordions, butch/femme, uniforms, poaching eggs, gender fuck, voyeurism, the future of the world .......Play a little guitar and drums, percussion, harmonica, jews harp, mess around with my piano accordian.
Watching certain women apply lipstick.
Dress-Ups. Anything visually spectacular. Nice lines. Good old fashioned manners. Breakfast and Afternoon tea.
If I could be transported back in time : Ella Fitzgerald, Calamity Jane, Elizabeth I, Minnie the Moocher, Jim Morrison,Gene Kelly, Charlie Chaplin, Elvis, Ernesto Guevara, Georgia O'Keefe, Frida Kahlo, Anais Nin, Capability Brown, Edna Walling, my fathers father and my mothers mother.
.. .. .
In the Swing
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Breath taking Tap
Fred Astaire and Eleanor Powell
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Photo - Delilah Montoya
Artists that catch my ear:
Ry Cooder, Four Charms,
Benny and the Fly By Nighters,
Lonesome Train,
Duke Ellington, Tiny Grimes,
Cab Calloway,
Gene Harris, John Coltrane,George Benson,
Astor Piazzolla,
Ruth Brown,
Wynona Carr,
Big Maybelle,
Laverne Baker,
Ray Charles,
Stevie Wonder,
Joni Mitchell,
Nick Drake,
Burt Bacharach,
70's Rock
Toto, PNAU,
1978 classic 'Skateboard' starring Leif Garrett
I'll give anything futuristic a go.
1960's Batman Series
Marine Boy
Alfred Hitchcock's Three Investigators
Norman Rockwell's painting of Rosie the Riveter was auctioned by Sotheby's on May 22, 2002 for $4,959,500. Painted in 1943.Following the United States' entry into World War II in 1941, millions of American women answered the government's call to enter the work force and fill traditionally male jobs left vacant by those who had gone off to fight. Above all, women's labor was urgently needed to help fill shortages created by the expanded wartime economy, especially in the production of military hardware. These women who wore hard-hats and overalls and operated heavy machinery represented a radical departure from the traditional American feminine ideal of housewife and mother.In 1942, a popular song about a patriotic female defense worker called Rosie the Riveter provided the name that became synonymous with this new kind of American woman.
Read more at http://www.rosietheriveter.org/painting.htm She is very hot.
Kake from Tom Of Finland Cartoons
"you don't need a lot of clothes - just the right clothes"