Colette walking towards the sunset on the island Naxos in Greece for her inner freedom. I hope to have the needed talents in the different fields Im in, as a human being in general.I have become more and more over the years Atheistic .I believe we each one has to doe our own inside work to make the needed life changes ,for sharing with the world works-any work in general - ones own transformations ,- in Love relation,we each one has to return to our inner home center, taking first of all responsability for our self ,with thoughts -changes and actions in general.For this reason Atheism has caught my interest more and more for the last 20 years ,(even I know there has always been more between heaven and earth ,we all could not explain, at suddent moments,we can all doe our own work from our inside homebase to start with.From birth inheritance i have had many life tools to work out with ,my inner nature stay the same ,with the free Wankan Tanka Spirits ,aswell the Budhisme Im a great follower ,it would please me alot ,to see the Tibetans getting they own country Tibet finelly back again .*7 leadership reminders,for the ones that takes responsability for they ones life.*1: Take responsability for your self.2:Take responsability for your team.3:Have a clear target,let anyone know your direction .4:Communicate and have expectations .5:Use the Authoritys from your team workers.6:Look after the strong strength in each ones ,instead of the weak ones.7: Do not make any life decisions ,when you are out of balance.
Colette White Feather ( CO Pilot) one of my favorite nick names, for being near and close, when ever it is needed ,anytime anywhere no matter the distance,in a honest corporation matter .
The Horse Zoey I would love to meet and be with.
Reflections on life in General Colette Hera 2005*Each day is a travel inside and out* Each day is a travel 80 ways around the world,and 80 times. Each day in life can be a dance. Lifetraveller Red Eagle Colette Hera Guggenheim Little White Feather August 2008
Roses Leaves from Press in my books 2007 Photos :Sept.2008 Colette Little White Feather
Roses Leaves from Press in my books 2007 Photos :Sept.2008 Colette Little White Feather
Roses Leaves from Press in my books 2007 Photos :Sept.2008 Colette Little White Feather
Roses Leaves from Press in my books 2007 Photos :Sept.2008 Colette Little White Feather
Roses Leaves from Press in my books 2007 Photos :Sept.2008 Colette Little White Feather
Roses Leaves from Press in my books 2007 Photos :Sept.2008 Colette Little White Feather
Roses Leaves from Press in my books 2007 Photos :Sept.2008 Colette Little White Feather
Roses Leaves from Press in my books 2007 Photos :Sept.2008 Colette Little White Feather
Roses Leaves from Press in my books 2007 Photos :Sept.2008 Colette Little White Feather
Roses Leaves from Press in my books 2007 Photos :Sept.2008 Colette Little White Feather
Sunset July 2008 Photo:Red Eagle Colette White FeatherCandle light Photos from winter 2007 : Red Eagle Colette White Feather
June 2008 Colette
I believe each one of us Human beings developes each in ones own way , with a free spirit and with the time it takes for each new move inside our self for the outside work and life changes in general.
*Wakan Takan* Pelemanya*The Earth- Air - Fire -Water- *
Waterfall near Granada Spain Photo:Red Eagle Colette White FeatherI fell fine alone,only should you show up ,my Soulmate Lover - My Best Friend for Life , my other half, life traveller all in one ,I will gladly stop up for a moment, see if the chemistry feels right between us ,and yes You Yust have to be yourself,( I Repeat ) YOU YUST HAVE TO BE YOUR SELF ,meaning being in touch with your own truth honest feelings ,as much as possible and with clear lines . This is what I fall in love with in a Man, equal feelings in balance with a stroke and touch of Zen ( Tantra when we are apart from each other)missing one another , taking the time for being spontaneous playing as kids together with joy - laughter and lots of honest real love with Spontaneous surprises , being able to be present ,loving,carring,supporting one another when needed with respect ,cherish tender feelings,being able to seperate the play for its play and the SERIOUS MATTER ( VIP) in life ,being able to spend time alone as the human we each are as individuels ( with all respect) Being able to feel free alone and together with developments at the same time ,where one can yust be one self in Good and Bad .You have found your own inner temple long ago ,as I have deep down ,knowing what we each are looking for to make - have this little Huge wonderfull importent extra fulfilment in life , for creating building up new matters, growing together with in our self in all sections , sharing for the wonderfull feeling doing it together .You really have to be able to make me laught ,have a good portion of humour and be able to make me land from the sky ,when I am about to fly tomuch around with out stop ,smiles and laughts abit .- With all the Love connected with the Global Worldwide Life work and the needed travels that comes with it.If we meet on the way up a mountain ,in the deep forest ,on a travel , getting stocked in the elevator on the way up in New York State building Grrrrr ,TGV Train station in Paris , time will can only show.Tomorow ?,the day after ,in 1 year-5 years -10years ,ore when we are old enought to still be able to lift each one up the stairs,as best friends would do ,ore doe .I will leave this opend,she says ( me ) with a little smile on her lips,turns around for taking care of other importents matters in a day time,as I believe little targets in life are as importent ,as the bigger vision life Targets.God bless you my love ,my other half,where ever you are in this world rigth now,how lovelly it would be to meet for the way back home one day.Dedicated for my other half,the Man my best friend for life ,the Man I love deep inside my self,and at the same time would love to share my real life with ,somewhere in this world.Knowing real love can come into ones road in 1000 different waysGod bless you my love ,my other half,where ever you are in this world rigth now, with in your self.How wounderfull it would be to meet for the travelling way back home together one day ,with in all the life changes out ,and inside our self.Colette Little White Feather XXX--<<>__<>>--XXX
Waterfall near Granada Spain Photo:Red Eagle Colette Little White Feather
Waterfall near Granada Spain Photo:Red Eagle Colette Little White Feather
Waterfall near Granada Spain Photo:Red Eagle Colette White Feather
Waterfall near Granada Spain Photo:Red Eagle Colette White Feather
Waterfall Photo near Granada Spain Photo:Red Eagle Colette Little White Feather
Red Eagle Colette White Feather May 2008
May 2008
May 2008
Lanas Village South France February Photo 2008 Colette
Pond DÀrc Ardèche South France February 2008 Photo Colette
South France La Roche River February 2008 Photo Colette
Zoey Horse I would love to meet and be with .
My Aunt Elisabeth Guggenheim The painter
..Papa Hans and Colette in 1969 in Switzerland at family farmhouse
The Rock La Roche Childhood home Photo february 2008: Colette
Hans and Colette in Dollerup hills Denmark 1961
Pappa Hans and Colette in (Wollisofen) Zürich home in Switzerland 1970
Colette 9 Years old in France homevillage Alba Ardéche
Each day is a travel inside and out¨.Each day is a travel 80 ways around the world,and 80 times.Each day in life can be a dance.Lifetraveller Colette Hera Guggenheim
Colette in France 9 years old}
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Spotorno Beach Italy 1968 Colette after returning from The Ranch in Spain
Colette working on the ship Dana Regina to England from Esbjerg for 7 month in 1977
Photo Ibiza Island 1968 Colette
Photo: Colette with a light 1957
Fokus travel catalog 2007-2008 Photo: Colette
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