♥Mrs. C. ♥ profile picture

♥Mrs. C. ♥

Buried at PhotoCasket.com

About Me

I'm a happy house wife/mommy! I live for my weekdays withmy son. and dred my weekends as a server. I also do Jewlrysales wich I enjoy. I have been married for 6 years and amlooking forward to becomeing a militery wife verry soon!I'm VERRY content with my life!

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My Interests


Get Your Own! | View Slideshowany thing except country! I've always loved No Dout, Nickelback, Sarah Mc Gloclin, Portis Head, Morcheba,Morphine, and the lead singer of "Incubis" gives me chills he's so sexy! Oh And Gorillaz .... Duh!


"Prelude to a kiss" "Reality bites" "Nipolian Dinamite" "What dreams may come" "Miror Mask"


"Desprate House wives" (I'm a bit of one) "Lost" "4400" "Grays Anatomy"


what are those! OOOHH You mean cataloges Yea I like to shop! lol


My older sister, My younger sisters, My mother (All strong independant wemon!!!!) My son who thinks he's superman!McDonald's Video Game

MySpace Games ..