Pool, especially eight ball. Next comes work then comes elopinfestation, damn....is that a Dead baby....
If its one thing I've learned in life its this, "especially in the face of death, somtimes the only thing that saves you in life is meeting people."
I HAVE A NEW FAVORITE....Dragon force is in a close first with nine inch nails.....can you believe it....im about to evolve into somthing much ghayer then before! Industrial, Break metal, Death metal, Speed metal,Gabber, DnB, Jungle, ambient, Classical, Musicals, and dont forget the im to cool to let anyone know i like that band catagory, "its a secret ;)."
Wickerman....holy shit.....i think Silent hill might have made it onto my tiny list...still considering..updates once a year! hmmm
I try my absolute damnests not to fall into the closest thing I can think to being a propaganda machine. TV is an addiction....Just say no
Terry Goodkind, Orwell, and James Gleick
I believe that Heros are a sign of insecurity...or maybe im to self centered to have a hero....thats all in how you look at it I guess :P