playin volleyball n basebase....kickin it wit da family...takin my dog fo walks in da hills...talkin to friends....paintin n drawin...basically anythin dat makes me happy
i like pretty much anythin, but i ain't too crazy bout country music.
Dance Me Outside, Smoke Signals, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, Dazed & Confused, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Detroit Rock City, Pitch Black, Chronicles of Riddick, Blade (1,2,& 3), Four Brothers, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, & most of da disney movies.
Simpsons, South Park,One Tree Hill, and Supernatural
well there's a lot of books dat i wanna read, but don't make da time to read them....i like to read pretty much anythin....i like books from V.C. Andrews, Stephen King, Rudolfo Anaya, Sherman Alexi,J.R.R Tolkien, J.D. Salinger, Nicholas Sparks,n i also like readin autobiographies.
dat would have to b my moms...she's da strongest person i know...