*What I Learned Today* Vortex - a really good recordshoppe............ Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth................................. The British are Genius, Enough Said!
A Samurai whith an I-pod, Michael Nesmith, Gil Elvgren, My upstairs neighbor "The Squirrel"
"Never Tell A Woman Yes"
"I think you would have made a great Muppet..." c. 2007
I should get one?
***"Your Man, His Martini...A Guide"*** Chapter 2 - For My Favorite "The Nice Guy": Embrace the Attentive Sweet Kind Gentleman that calls...Avoid the Creepy Jerk...(other skills/talents will be mentioned, but not in this forum)
The Kind-hearted and Kermit the Frog