I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends
About Me
I bEle!ve !n d PoWeR oF KaRma, DaT DestInY k!lls aS iT cReaTes, NotHing !s fOrmed, OnlY TranSfOrmEd. Dat EveRytHin !s PeRsoNalIstiC. ThE woRlD iS onLY 4 DoSe hU kNowS hOw 2 FyT. Be gUd... GiVe uRsElf @ GoD...iM jUsT A noRmAl peRSon wHo hApPeNs 2 haVe A beAuTiFul faCe, aN inTuit!ve SoUl, a SenSitiVe miNd, a caRefRee sPiRit, sUpeRb tAleNts, a sENsiBle tAstE, a blUNteD mOuTh, cReAt!ve hAnDs,a PoEt!c bReAtH,an oPeN hEaRt...
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
the one who could give me the most delicious chocolate on earth!