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Member Since: 23/05/2006
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Download Mixtape | Provided by
Download Mixtape | Provided by DatPiff.comBorn July 19, 1986. Growing up in West Philly, going through stages and life's adversities, I grew up in a single parent home with one little brother. We werent a very fortunate family, so I took it upon myself to make a way. At the age of twelve, I started rapping to relieve tension. Growing up in the public school system, I've learned alot about the streets and that blended with life's struggle. thats where creativity and individuality rose through this shy, quiet kid. Although I've been through many trials and tribulations, I had religous aunts and other family members that kept God in my life. I believe that He put me through things to gain a better sense of spiritual growth. I also believe that He gave me alot more wisdom and knowledge than the average kid. So I think its my calling to to give it to the world in my music. I've battled, beefed, and went through stages of evolution to find my lane in music. I believe that everything happens for a reason, there's no such thing as a loss, its called a lesson learned. You miss 100% of the shots u never take, so do what u can while your here, because tomorrow isnt promised! Make things happen and leave no stones unturned...As for the musical side of things...I bring to you....Wisdom, Knowledge, Experience, and Understanding....Blu-Flame! Enjoy the music....God Bless!!
Record Label: Upscale Music Group (U.M.G. Records)
Type of Label: Indie

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Need A Feature?

DVD's are free of charge and the mixtapes are 50.00 a track, so if u need a feature, scream at me....Thanx for the Luv and Support!! The Business number is 215 583 3414
Posted by on Wed, 31 May 2006 15:55:00 GMT


If anyone has a video that wants to be seen, Im putting together a dvd entitled "Artist's Position", Im looking for the top ten videos to be on this 1st. edition. This dvd will bring out more of the a...
Posted by on Wed, 31 May 2006 14:14:00 GMT