OneDayItWillMakeâ„¢ profile picture


Here, I am only trying to describe the enormous emotions which cannot be described.

About Me

I'm me.
I'm not, that cool.
I'm not, that happy sometimes.
I'm not, into being serious.
I'm not, as good a friend as I want to be.
I'm not, sure.
I say stupid things
AIM - onedayitwillmake
msambolin627: mario youre a piece of art work
onedayitwillmake: im just busting your balls dude
onedayitwillmake: i don't cook dinner
Dong M Lee: yeah i know
onedayitwillmake: and i don't even have an excuse
Dong M Lee: if you actually do cook dinner
Dong M Lee: it takes like an hour
Dong M Lee: than half an hour to wash the dishes
Dong M Lee: that'st he whole night
Dong M Lee: gone
onedayitwillmake: i hate cooking dinner, 1.5 hours and you eat it in 10 minutes
Dong M Lee: and it tastes worse
onedayitwillmake: besides, that's what women are for
Dong M Lee: lol
onedayitwillmake: there's a reason god made women from one of our ribs...
onedayitwillmake: it was a hint
onedayitwillmake: "get cookin!"
Dong M Lee: lolz
onedayitwillmake: onedayitwillmakeblogThe Reaping - psuedo review
nesaphia: omit my sn name please
nesaphia: that doesnt sound liek a convo
nesaphia: that just looks like you talking abouty it
onedayitwillmake: it's not in the convo section
onedayitwillmake: it's a movie review
onedayitwillmake: and im not omitting your name lol... no one is going to IM trust me
onedayitwillmake: "omg, are you THEE nesaphia? of that one blog with the shitty movie review of a shitty movie?"
onedayitwillmake: "im your biggest fan!, the way you wrote lol that one time was like... wow"
onedayitwillmake: see, this is going in the convo section
boootteylicious: : so wuts good
onedayitwillmake: : Talking correct english is good.
boootteylicious: : im sry r u this fine evening?
onedayitwillmake: : Chizillen
face envy: lol.
face envy: ;-)
face envy: ahah
onedayitwillmake: u know what's better
onedayitwillmake: now that's old school
face envy: ohgod lol.
onedayitwillmake: imagine you work for
onedayitwillmake: imagine how depressing that is everyday
face envy: hahahha
onedayitwillmake: driving to work
onedayitwillmake: sneeking and using google instead, in the office
onedayitwillmake: to find another job
face envy: and they ctach you
face envy: and they yell
onedayitwillmake: lol
onedayitwillmake: what do they say
face envy: and threaten to fire you
onedayitwillmake: but they can't cus you prob work for free
face envy: ahaha, and you're like DO IT
face envy: I DARE YOU
onedayitwillmake: lollllllllll
onedayitwillmake: and they fire you with a bad joke
face envy: lol
onedayitwillmake: boss: Guess what dude, you're
face envy: LOL
face envy: omg ll0loll
onedayitwillmake: or they still believe in it
onedayitwillmake: "Hotbot: The future of search is now! "
face envy: haha. thats so oldd.
onedayitwillmake: you went to it?
face envy: no. lol.
onedayitwillmake: imagine whatever you search for, it returns just one thing.
Result 1: lol
face envy: hahahaha
M1SSYNYC: arrgh now Im trying to find this board game called girl talk
M1SSYNYC: i cant find the commercial
onedayitwillmake: i remember that
onedayitwillmake: my sister had it
onedayitwillmake: the only thing i remember is that there was 1 challenge where you had to put an ice cube in ur armpit
onedayitwillmake: i tried to do it, but its really hard
M1SSYNYC: if you did something wrong you had to put on a zit sticker
onedayitwillmake: let me guess, if you did something really wrong,
onedayitwillmake: you had to put on the bacne cape
onedayitwillmake: Yo, look.
phil qa 77: sup?
outburstfirst: what's in store for tonight?
onedayitwillmake: not sure
onedayitwillmake: sorry i can't talk to much
onedayitwillmake: someone in my family died
onedayitwillmake: im kind of out of it
outburstfirst: yeah well whatever dude.. people die, so what
outburstfirst: what's wrong with that.
onedayitwillmake: no im serious
outburstfirst: no you're not..
onedayitwillmake: i don't really feel like talking right now
onedayitwillmake: i was pretty close to this person
outburstfirst: yes, you've said that already.
outburstfirst: so much for having to go...
onedayitwillmake: ok ok i was lying
onedayitwillmake: i got my friend with that prank the other day
onedayitwillmake: she busted me
phil qa 77: hahah caught
phil qa 77: nice work on her part
onedayitwillmake: lol
onedayitwillmake: it's a good prank though
phil qa 77: what you SHOULD have done is had a fake short IM convo with like your bro or something to back it up then cut pasted it
phil qa 77: if you know you're gonna do it on someone who knows you pull crap like that you have to go the extra mile to make them cry
onedayitwillmake: yeah
onedayitwillmake: that's a lot of work.
phil qa 77: Look how easy
onedayitwillmake: so what time is the wake anyway?
Phil QA77: i think it starts at 8 or something
Phil QA77: but it's in Queens
onedayitwillmake: fuck man
onedayitwillmake: i really don't want to go. i hate this kind of stuff
phil qa 77: see how easy?
onedayitwillmake: lollllllllllllllllllllllll
onedayitwillmake: i appreciate that
phil qa 77: and it makes you look extra sad
phil qa 77: maximize guilt
phil qa 77: duuuurty
onedayitwillmake: " - im wearing these to hide my tears "
schmd7j: what do you do if you bring a girl back to your place though
schmd7j: tough one to explain
onedayitwillmake: not really,
onedayitwillmake: it's called a threesome. Deal with it dude.
shunsazi: Is anyone even in today?
onedayitwillmake: u're the only one out - lol
onedayitwillmake: lazy asshole
shunsazi: woke up with a bastard of a migrane
onedayitwillmake: yeah me too
onedayitwillmake: but im still here
shunsazi: you sir
shunsazi: are an ass
onedayitwillmake: lolllllllllllllll
shunsazi: wooo
onedayitwillmake: "i woke up with 1 less foot than when i went to sleep"
onedayitwillmake: "but i still made it "
shunsazi: yeah well
shunsazi: i made it after the xmas party
shunsazi: top that
onedayitwillmake: OH NICEEEEE BURN
onedayitwillmake: lol - good show
M1SSYNYC: this old ass lady who says shes only 30
M1SSYNYC: shes a total senior c itizen
onedayitwillmake: : man that's so fucking hot
onedayitwillmake: : imagine? half price for movie matinee's
onedayitwillmake: : one third bus fair
onedayitwillmake: : it's like being the presidents friend
onedayitwillmake: : only plus sex
M1SSYNYC: lmao
M1SSYNYC: sick
onedayitwillmake: : whatever you're just jealous
onedayitwillmake: : what's her #... SS number to - imma steal her identity
onedayitwillmake: : lollllllll
M1SSYNYC: seriously ... shes got liver spots
onedayitwillmake: : that's just target practice
M1SSYNYC: and wears her yoga clothes to work
onedayitwillmake: : that just means she's flexible
onedayitwillmake: : pessimist
onedayitwillmake: ig kiijs kuje cekua;s wirjubg kate tiday
onedayitwillmake: er oops finger was off*
phil qa 77: lol
onedayitwillmake: What's so funny
phil qa 77: your typing with your finger off
phil qa 77: like speaking in tongues or something
onedayitwillmake: I'm practicing for when i gouge your eye out
phil qa 77: lol
wddg forever: quick -make photoshop lite in flash
onedayitwillmake: I already made that - while i was eating lunch
wddg forever: sweet
wddg forever: lets make some mad cash
onedayitwillmake: any good trailers?
onedayitwillmake: lol
enoyrevetcefni: Yep
enoyrevetcefni: Spiderman3
enoyrevetcefni: Hotnessssssssssssssss
enoyrevetcefni: Omg
onedayitwillmake: big time - dude that's a good term i heard
enoyrevetcefni: Gives me goosebumps dude
onedayitwillmake: when you have sex, you orgasm on your hand, and throw it at the girl
onedayitwillmake: that's called a spiderman
onedayitwillmake: lolllllllllllllll
enoyrevetcefni: Lol
enoyrevetcefni: Gogo web
onedayitwillmake: lollllllllllll
onedayitwillmake: how was the shower
Steph Nocturnal: surprising
onedayitwillmake: how's that work - the hot and cold got switched?
onedayitwillmake: I totally hate that
Steph Nocturnal: lol
Steph Nocturnal: you know how when youre showering then something happens and you forget to wash off the conditioner..
Steph Nocturnal: like that
onedayitwillmake: lollllllllll - oh, i've done that
onedayitwillmake: then im like - damn i smell really good this time
Steph Nocturnal: lol!!!
NUNSareTIGHT: Went shopping then stayed home all day
OneDayItWillMake: i hate all the clothes you bought, and i didn't even see them yet.
NUNSareTIGHT: Didnt buy clothes
OneDayItWillMake: see you ARE crazy.
NUNSareTIGHT: Jewelry
NUNSareTIGHT: I dont steal
OneDayItWillMake: why would you mention you don't steal?
NUNSareTIGHT: Thought thats what u insinuated
OneDayItWillMake: What are you doing right right now
NUNSareTIGHT: Separating clothes
OneDayItWillMake: Ones with other people's blood - ones with out?
OneDayItWillMake: lolllllllllll
NUNSareTIGHT: Need to spot treat them
OneDayItWillMake: What gets rid of homeless blood and urine?
NUNSareTIGHT: Why bother burn it
NUNSareTIGHT: The whisky piss will make ur machine explode
OneDayItWillMake: That's the dynamite - i've been trying to kill you.
enoyrevetcefni: I'm a faggot, and i stole your phone.
onedayitwillmake: You suck at typing.
d0ndeva: sthu
onedayitwillmake: Imma comment that to you
onedayitwillmake: So when you sign in... everyday you can read it
onedayitwillmake: And do it
d0ndeva: ll0l @ that
onedayitwillmake: So like.... what are you wearing
d0ndeva: ummm pjs
onedayitwillmake: Very hott.
d0ndeva: lolllllllll
onedayitwillmake: I'm wearing my moms underwear
onedayitwillmake: Very cold
d0ndeva: ....
d0ndeva: ewe
d0ndeva: lol
onedayitwillmake: Yeah right you love it
d0ndeva: u wish lol
onedayitwillmake: If I had three wishes one of them WOULD be. I wish you loved how I looked in my grandmas underwear
onedayitwillmake: You got me.
d0ndeva: lollllllllllll
TaniaU1: how've u been?
onedayitwillmake: Better than most. Got beat up by a bum for 2 taco bell gorditas but I'm fine now
TaniaU1: lol
TaniaU1: damn
TaniaU1: not good
TaniaU1: sucks
onedayitwillmake: Psyche I beat them up for their canned goods
TaniaU1: lol
TaniaU1: sick
onedayitwillmake: Double psyche I made that up
TaniaU1: i figured
onedayitwillmake: Tripple psyche, it was true.
TaniaU1: lol
TaniaU1: u like to joke too much
onedayitwillmake: I know right. And you like to laugh too much
TaniaU1: i do
onedayitwillmake: Its perfect
TaniaU1: yep,
onedayitwillmake: We should fight crime
TaniaU1: we should
onedayitwillmake: What kinda crime do we fight... big drug lords
onedayitwillmake: or purse snatchers
TaniaU1: purse snatchers
onedayitwillmake: We have to have sucky worthless powers... what's yours.
onedayitwillmake: Um like... mine is...
onedayitwillmake: when people say guess a number between 1-10
onedayitwillmake: I ALWAYS get it right
TaniaU1: lol
onedayitwillmake: Somehow...... that's how I fight crime
TaniaU1: LOL
TaniaU1: um... mine is...
TaniaU1: that i know when a person is lying
onedayitwillmake: Ewww
onedayitwillmake: That's useful
TaniaU1: lol
onedayitwillmake: Yours is you can always tell WHO farted
TaniaU1: exactly
onedayitwillmake: It was me... I'm sorry
TaniaU1: lol
onedayitwillmake: 7!
onedayitwillmake: Was I right?
onedayitwillmake: Ofcourse I was
TaniaU1: nope
TaniaU1: lol

Dong M Lee: "hey playgirl"
Dong M Lee: "sleep your way out of your hometown"
OneDayItWillMake: no old ladytron for me
OneDayItWillMake: i used to listen to it on the long commute from butt fuck queens, to bronx
OneDayItWillMake: to visit my ex
Dong M Lee: damn
OneDayItWillMake: (l):-(
Dong M Lee: that sounds like a long ass time ago
Dong M Lee: queens to the bronx
Dong M Lee: yikes
OneDayItWillMake: yup
OneDayItWillMake: 2.5 hours
Dong M Lee: in japan that'd only take 10 minutes
OneDayItWillMake: in japan you get there before you leave
Dong M Lee: plus you get to grope someone
OneDayItWillMake: in that case, 10 commute = lame
onedayitwillmake: Also when you wanna SPEND money, make yourself wait until the next pay cycle
onedayitwillmake: this avoids MOST impulse buys
NUNSareTIGHT: : im a horrible liar
onedayitwillmake: lol
NUNSareTIGHT: : i cant lie to myself
onedayitwillmake: Sure you can't now stop this nonsense
NUNSareTIGHT: : fine
NUNSareTIGHT: : crap
onedayitwillmake: lol
NUNSareTIGHT: : im all about impulse buys
onedayitwillmake: You just wanna buy something
NUNSareTIGHT: : yes
onedayitwillmake: lol - so don't
NUNSareTIGHT: : i buy things to make myself feel good
NUNSareTIGHT: : its like spoiling myself for no good reason
onedayitwillmake: It's called filling a void
onedayitwillmake: it reallllly does make you feel better
onedayitwillmake: if only for a little while
NUNSareTIGHT: : si
onedayitwillmake: hence my sweet air matress
NUNSareTIGHT: : lol
onedayitwillmake: i guess you got what you wanted and left
onedayitwillmake: just like women
mariondream: oh jeez. no
onedayitwillmake: haha.. only kidding
mariondream: one of my exes just IM'd me and im helping him through a crisis. thanks
mariondream: for the help
onedayitwillmake: yeah whatever
mariondream: loooollllllllers
onedayitwillmake: whats the crisis
onedayitwillmake: he just realized you're not together?
mariondream: totally. it's so sad
onedayitwillmake: poor guy, once you go wasp that likes cultures that are black
onedayitwillmake: you don't go back,
onedayitwillmake: as they say
mariondream: wow
mariondream: my mind is blown
onedayitwillmake: did i offend you or something?
mariondream: no
mariondream: god.
onedayitwillmake: oh, then what is it
mariondream: you're HY STER I CAL
onedayitwillmake: I think maybe an lol will do next time
mariondream: lol
onedayitwillmake: were you close to the aunt
onedayitwillmake: or just super close to the friend
carli85: oh no not at all
carli85: close to the friend
onedayitwillmake: kinda sucks, i really wanted to see u
carli85: so didd i,....
onedayitwillmake: yeah right
carli85: yeahhh!
onedayitwillmake: alright, i like your enthusiasm!!!!!!!!!!!!! (see) !!!!!!!!!!
onedayitwillmake: i've been to funerals where like - you didn't realyl know the person that died
onedayitwillmake: it's always awkward
onedayitwillmake: like - um... u feel bad for not feeling bad. Not me though.
carli85: of courseee
onedayitwillmake: May she rest in peace, be it in heaven, or in hell (most likely)
carli85: most are in hell lol
onedayitwillmake: i was only kidding but c'mon
onedayitwillmake: you know you're right
carli85: lol
onedayitwillmake: but look
onedayitwillmake: let's make this the most fun funeral that it could be
carli85: ok lol
onedayitwillmake: pin the tail on the deceased, musical coffins, fruit punch
onedayitwillmake: we're gonna pull out all the stops
carli85: sol
onedayitwillmake: yay sol
carli85: ;o)
This is where I work

My Interests

Nerdy things.

I'd like to meet:


Requiem For a Dream.
Down by the Valley.
Talladega Nights.
V for Vendetta.
Donnie Darko.
Toto the Hero.
City of God.


Reality TV.


Series of Unfortunate Events.
Actionscript 2.0 Cookbook.
The Time Traveler's Wife.
A Brief History of Time.
Guns Germs and Steal.
The Third Chimpanzee.
Swarms Systems.
The Golden Ratio.
Six Easy Pieces.
Chess books.
The Fountain.
The Bell Jar.
The Stand.



My Blog


one time, when i was in 6th grade... before school started my mom got me shoes... but she got me payless sneakers... it sucked... liked they looked cool but they were still McGreggor's... but i had a ...
Posted by OneDayItWillMake" on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 01:34:00 PST

The Reaping - psuedo review

onedayitwillmake: that movie was so stupidonedayitwillmake: half of everything was a 'dream'onedayitwillmake: but then it turns out ONE of those dreams, was realonedayitwillmake: oh and so was the imp...
Posted by OneDayItWillMake" on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 08:15:00 PST

Making the band

You can't make the band, it's already been made. I love my friends!insanevelvet: dood imagine rose u millie mel ant and i in a bandinsanevelvet: lmaoonedayitwillmake: LOLLLLLLLonedayitwillmake: who do...
Posted by OneDayItWillMake" on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 05:53:00 PST


Hmm, this is such a weird blog entry.However, I enjoy writing as if only I will read these... Fuck private!I'll preface this by stating that I'm definitely a "girlfriend guy." I prefer having one good...
Posted by OneDayItWillMake" on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 08:59:00 PST

Love is like an addiction

Scratch that, love IS an addiction. I mean on all levels. Im sure my ex, Angie, is gonna read this... But I don't really care, this is my blog and i'd like to be honest to myself when I write it and t...
Posted by OneDayItWillMake" on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 04:57:00 PST

Awesome dye job

I dyed my hair about last week, and i was so pissed when I dyed it. It looked really dumb i thought. Wellp like always i was wrong. It looks awesome - now I actually really like it.Sweet!ps growing yo...
Posted by OneDayItWillMake" on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 08:54:00 PST

Post break-up style change.

Hah, this blog is written cus there havn't been any blogs written since forever really.Anyhow, post break-up I notice some people change their whole look. I'm one of these people, I dunno why it happe...
Posted by OneDayItWillMake" on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 06:51:00 PST

Meeting people

Meeting people is fun, but it's also a lot of work. Since I broke up with my ex, i've met a lot of new people. I've reacquainted myself with a lot of friends that I lost contact with, thanks in large ...
Posted by OneDayItWillMake" on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 08:09:00 PST


Yesterday I went to this show at The Tank it was awesome!Nullsleep, BitShifter, and Random played awesome music. It's called chiptunes, and basically it's music made by taking sounds from old 8bit ga...
Posted by OneDayItWillMake" on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 10:51:00 PST