I'm me.
I'm not, that cool.
I'm not, that happy sometimes.
I'm not, into being serious.
I'm not, as good a friend as I want to be.
I'm not, sure.
I say stupid things
AIM - onedayitwillmake
msambolin627: mario youre a piece of art work
onedayitwillmake: im just busting your balls dude
onedayitwillmake: i don't cook dinner
Dong M Lee: yeah i know
onedayitwillmake: and i don't even have an excuse
Dong M Lee: if you actually do cook dinner
Dong M Lee: it takes like an hour
Dong M Lee: than half an hour to wash the dishes
Dong M Lee: that'st he whole night
Dong M Lee: gone
onedayitwillmake: i hate cooking dinner, 1.5 hours and you eat it in 10 minutes
Dong M Lee: and it tastes worse
onedayitwillmake: besides, that's what women are for
Dong M Lee: lol
onedayitwillmake: there's a reason god made women from one of our ribs...
onedayitwillmake: it was a hint
onedayitwillmake: "get cookin!"
Dong M Lee: lolz
onedayitwillmake: onedayitwillmakeblogThe Reaping - psuedo review
nesaphia: omit my sn name please
nesaphia: that doesnt sound liek a convo
nesaphia: that just looks like you talking abouty it
onedayitwillmake: it's not in the convo section
onedayitwillmake: it's a movie review
onedayitwillmake: and im not omitting your name lol... no one is going to IM trust me
onedayitwillmake: "omg, are you THEE nesaphia? of that one blog with the shitty movie review of a shitty movie?"
onedayitwillmake: "im your biggest fan!, the way you wrote lol that one time was like... wow"
onedayitwillmake: see, this is going in the convo section
boootteylicious: : so wuts good
onedayitwillmake: : Talking correct english is good.
boootteylicious: : im sry sir..how r u this fine evening?
onedayitwillmake: : Chizillen
face envy: lol.
face envy: ;-)
face envy: ahah
onedayitwillmake: u know what's better
onedayitwillmake: http://www.hotbot.com/
onedayitwillmake: now that's old school
face envy: ohgod lol.
onedayitwillmake: imagine you work for hotbot.com
onedayitwillmake: imagine how depressing that is everyday
face envy: hahahha
onedayitwillmake: driving to work
onedayitwillmake: sneeking and using google instead, in the office
onedayitwillmake: to find another job
face envy: and they ctach you
face envy: and they yell
onedayitwillmake: lol
onedayitwillmake: what do they say
face envy: and threaten to fire you
onedayitwillmake: but they can't cus you prob work for free
face envy: ahaha, and you're like DO IT
face envy: I DARE YOU
onedayitwillmake: lollllllllll
onedayitwillmake: and they fire you with a bad joke
face envy: lol
onedayitwillmake: Hotbot.com boss: Guess what dude, you're firedbot.com
face envy: LOL
face envy: omg ll0loll
onedayitwillmake: or they still believe in it
onedayitwillmake: "Hotbot: The future of search is now! "
face envy: haha. thats so oldd.
onedayitwillmake: you went to it?
face envy: no. lol.
onedayitwillmake: imagine whatever you search for, it returns just one thing.
Result 1: lol
face envy: hahahaha
M1SSYNYC: arrgh now Im trying to find this board game called girl talk
M1SSYNYC: i cant find the commercial
onedayitwillmake: i remember that
onedayitwillmake: my sister had it
onedayitwillmake: the only thing i remember is that there was 1 challenge where you had to put an ice cube in ur armpit
onedayitwillmake: i tried to do it, but its really hard
M1SSYNYC: if you did something wrong you had to put on a zit sticker
onedayitwillmake: let me guess, if you did something really wrong,
onedayitwillmake: you had to put on the bacne cape
onedayitwillmake: Yo, look.
phil qa 77: sup?
outburstfirst: what's in store for tonight?
onedayitwillmake: not sure
onedayitwillmake: sorry i can't talk to much
onedayitwillmake: someone in my family died
onedayitwillmake: im kind of out of it
outburstfirst: yeah well whatever dude.. people die, so what
outburstfirst: what's wrong with that.
onedayitwillmake: no im serious
outburstfirst: no you're not..
onedayitwillmake: i don't really feel like talking right now
onedayitwillmake: i was pretty close to this person
outburstfirst: yes, you've said that already.
outburstfirst: so much for having to go...
onedayitwillmake: ok ok i was lying
onedayitwillmake: i got my friend with that prank the other day
onedayitwillmake: she busted me
phil qa 77: hahah caught
phil qa 77: nice work on her part
onedayitwillmake: lol
onedayitwillmake: it's a good prank though
phil qa 77: what you SHOULD have done is had a fake short IM convo with like your bro or something to back it up then cut pasted it
phil qa 77: if you know you're gonna do it on someone who knows you pull crap like that you have to go the extra mile to make them cry
onedayitwillmake: yeah
onedayitwillmake: that's a lot of work.
phil qa 77: Look how easy
onedayitwillmake: so what time is the wake anyway?
Phil QA77: i think it starts at 8 or something
Phil QA77: but it's in Queens
onedayitwillmake: fuck man
onedayitwillmake: i really don't want to go. i hate this kind of stuff
phil qa 77: see how easy?
onedayitwillmake: lollllllllllllllllllllllll
onedayitwillmake: i appreciate that
phil qa 77: and it makes you look extra sad
phil qa 77: maximize guilt
phil qa 77: duuuurty
onedayitwillmake: " - im wearing these to hide my tears "
onedayitwillmake: http://www.kuteev.ru/advertka/che.jpg
schmd7j: what do you do if you bring a girl back to your place though
schmd7j: tough one to explain
onedayitwillmake: not really,
onedayitwillmake: it's called a threesome. Deal with it dude.
shunsazi: Is anyone even in today?
onedayitwillmake: u're the only one out - lol
onedayitwillmake: lazy asshole
shunsazi: woke up with a bastard of a migrane
onedayitwillmake: yeah me too
onedayitwillmake: but im still here
shunsazi: you sir
shunsazi: are an ass
onedayitwillmake: lolllllllllllllll
shunsazi: wooo
onedayitwillmake: "i woke up with 1 less foot than when i went to sleep"
onedayitwillmake: "but i still made it "
shunsazi: yeah well
shunsazi: i made it after the xmas party
shunsazi: top that
onedayitwillmake: OH NICEEEEE BURN
onedayitwillmake: lol - good show
M1SSYNYC: this old ass lady who says shes only 30
M1SSYNYC: shes a total senior c itizen
onedayitwillmake: : man that's so fucking hot
onedayitwillmake: : imagine? half price for movie matinee's
onedayitwillmake: : one third bus fair
onedayitwillmake: : it's like being the presidents friend
onedayitwillmake: : only plus sex
M1SSYNYC: lmao
M1SSYNYC: sick
onedayitwillmake: : whatever you're just jealous
onedayitwillmake: : what's her #... SS number to - imma steal her identity
onedayitwillmake: : lollllllll
M1SSYNYC: seriously ... shes got liver spots
onedayitwillmake: : that's just target practice
M1SSYNYC: and wears her yoga clothes to work
onedayitwillmake: : that just means she's flexible
onedayitwillmake: : pessimist
onedayitwillmake: ig kiijs kuje cekua;s wirjubg kate tiday
onedayitwillmake: er oops finger was off*
phil qa 77: lol
onedayitwillmake: What's so funny
phil qa 77: your typing with your finger off
phil qa 77: like speaking in tongues or something
onedayitwillmake: I'm practicing for when i gouge your eye out
phil qa 77: lol
wddg forever: quick -make photoshop lite in flash
onedayitwillmake: I already made that - while i was eating lunch
wddg forever: sweet
wddg forever: lets make some mad cash
onedayitwillmake: any good trailers?
onedayitwillmake: lol
enoyrevetcefni: Yep
enoyrevetcefni: Spiderman3
enoyrevetcefni: Hotnessssssssssssssss
enoyrevetcefni: Omg
onedayitwillmake: big time - dude that's a good term i heard
enoyrevetcefni: Gives me goosebumps dude
onedayitwillmake: when you have sex, you orgasm on your hand, and throw it at the girl
onedayitwillmake: that's called a spiderman
onedayitwillmake: lolllllllllllllll
enoyrevetcefni: Lol
enoyrevetcefni: Gogo web
onedayitwillmake: lollllllllllll
onedayitwillmake: how was the shower
Steph Nocturnal: surprising
onedayitwillmake: how's that work - the hot and cold got switched?
onedayitwillmake: I totally hate that
Steph Nocturnal: lol
Steph Nocturnal: you know how when youre showering then something happens and you forget to wash off the conditioner..
Steph Nocturnal: like that
onedayitwillmake: lollllllllll - oh, i've done that
onedayitwillmake: then im like - damn i smell really good this time
Steph Nocturnal: lol!!!
NUNSareTIGHT: Went shopping then stayed home all day
OneDayItWillMake: i hate all the clothes you bought, and i didn't even see them yet.
NUNSareTIGHT: Didnt buy clothes
OneDayItWillMake: see you ARE crazy.
NUNSareTIGHT: Jewelry
NUNSareTIGHT: I dont steal
OneDayItWillMake: why would you mention you don't steal?
NUNSareTIGHT: Thought thats what u insinuated
OneDayItWillMake: What are you doing right right now
NUNSareTIGHT: Separating clothes
OneDayItWillMake: Ones with other people's blood - ones with out?
OneDayItWillMake: lolllllllllll
NUNSareTIGHT: Need to spot treat them
OneDayItWillMake: What gets rid of homeless blood and urine?
NUNSareTIGHT: Why bother burn it
NUNSareTIGHT: The whisky piss will make ur machine explode
OneDayItWillMake: That's the dynamite - i've been trying to kill you.
enoyrevetcefni: I'm a faggot, and i stole your phone.
onedayitwillmake: You suck at typing.
d0ndeva: sthu
onedayitwillmake: Imma comment that to you
onedayitwillmake: So when you sign in... everyday you can read it
onedayitwillmake: And do it
d0ndeva: ll0l @ that
onedayitwillmake: So like.... what are you wearing
d0ndeva: ummm pjs
onedayitwillmake: Very hott.
d0ndeva: lolllllllll
onedayitwillmake: I'm wearing my moms underwear
onedayitwillmake: Very cold
d0ndeva: ....
d0ndeva: ewe
d0ndeva: lol
onedayitwillmake: Yeah right you love it
d0ndeva: u wish lol
onedayitwillmake: If I had three wishes one of them WOULD be. I wish
you loved how I looked in my grandmas underwear
onedayitwillmake: You got me.
d0ndeva: lollllllllllll
TaniaU1: how've u been?
onedayitwillmake: Better than most. Got beat up by a bum for 2 taco bell gorditas but I'm fine now
TaniaU1: lol
TaniaU1: damn
TaniaU1: not good
TaniaU1: sucks
onedayitwillmake: Psyche I beat them up for their canned goods
TaniaU1: lol
TaniaU1: sick
onedayitwillmake: Double psyche I made that up
TaniaU1: i figured
onedayitwillmake: Tripple psyche, it was true.
TaniaU1: lol
TaniaU1: u like to joke too much
onedayitwillmake: I know right. And you like to laugh too much
TaniaU1: i do
onedayitwillmake: Its perfect
TaniaU1: yep,
onedayitwillmake: We should fight crime
TaniaU1: we should
onedayitwillmake: What kinda crime do we fight... big drug lords
onedayitwillmake: or purse snatchers
TaniaU1: purse snatchers
onedayitwillmake: We have to have sucky worthless powers... what's yours.
onedayitwillmake: Um like... mine is...
onedayitwillmake: when people say guess a number between 1-10
onedayitwillmake: I ALWAYS get it right
TaniaU1: lol
onedayitwillmake: Somehow...... that's how I fight crime
TaniaU1: LOL
TaniaU1: um... mine is...
TaniaU1: that i know when a person is lying
onedayitwillmake: Ewww
onedayitwillmake: That's useful
TaniaU1: lol
onedayitwillmake: Yours is you can always tell WHO farted
TaniaU1: exactly
onedayitwillmake: It was me... I'm sorry
TaniaU1: lol
onedayitwillmake: 7!
onedayitwillmake: Was I right?
onedayitwillmake: Ofcourse I was
TaniaU1: nope
TaniaU1: lol
Dong M Lee: "hey playgirl"
Dong M Lee: "sleep your way out of your hometown"
OneDayItWillMake: no old ladytron for me
OneDayItWillMake: i used to listen to it on the long commute from butt fuck queens, to bronx
OneDayItWillMake: to visit my ex
Dong M Lee: damn
OneDayItWillMake: (l):-(
Dong M Lee: that sounds like a long ass time ago
Dong M Lee: queens to the bronx
Dong M Lee: yikes
OneDayItWillMake: yup
OneDayItWillMake: 2.5 hours
Dong M Lee: in japan that'd only take 10 minutes
OneDayItWillMake: in japan you get there before you leave
Dong M Lee: plus you get to grope someone
OneDayItWillMake: in that case, 10 commute = lame
onedayitwillmake: Also when you wanna SPEND money, make yourself wait until the next pay cycle
onedayitwillmake: this avoids MOST impulse buys
NUNSareTIGHT: : im a horrible liar
onedayitwillmake: lol
NUNSareTIGHT: : i cant lie to myself
onedayitwillmake: Sure you can't now stop this nonsense
NUNSareTIGHT: : fine
NUNSareTIGHT: : crap
onedayitwillmake: lol
NUNSareTIGHT: : im all about impulse buys
onedayitwillmake: You just wanna buy something
NUNSareTIGHT: : yes
onedayitwillmake: lol - so don't
NUNSareTIGHT: : i buy things to make myself feel good
NUNSareTIGHT: : its like spoiling myself for no good reason
onedayitwillmake: It's called filling a void
onedayitwillmake: it reallllly does make you feel better
onedayitwillmake: if only for a little while
NUNSareTIGHT: : si
onedayitwillmake: hence my sweet air matress
NUNSareTIGHT: : lol
onedayitwillmake: i guess you got what you wanted and left
onedayitwillmake: just like women
mariondream: oh jeez. no
onedayitwillmake: haha.. only kidding
mariondream: one of my exes just IM'd me and im helping him through a crisis. thanks
mariondream: for the help
onedayitwillmake: yeah whatever
mariondream: loooollllllllers
onedayitwillmake: whats the crisis
onedayitwillmake: he just realized you're not together?
mariondream: totally. it's so sad
onedayitwillmake: poor guy, once you go wasp that likes cultures that are black
onedayitwillmake: you don't go back,
onedayitwillmake: as they say
mariondream: wow
mariondream: my mind is blown
onedayitwillmake: did i offend you or something?
mariondream: no
mariondream: god.
onedayitwillmake: oh, then what is it
mariondream: you're HY STER I CAL
onedayitwillmake: I think maybe an lol will do next time
mariondream: lol
onedayitwillmake: were you close to the aunt
onedayitwillmake: or just super close to the friend
carli85: oh no not at all
carli85: close to the friend
onedayitwillmake: kinda sucks, i really wanted to see u
carli85: so didd i,....
onedayitwillmake: yeah right
carli85: yeahhh!
onedayitwillmake: alright, i like your enthusiasm!!!!!!!!!!!!! (see) !!!!!!!!!!
onedayitwillmake: i've been to funerals where like - you didn't realyl know the person that died
onedayitwillmake: it's always awkward
onedayitwillmake: like - um... u feel bad for not feeling bad. Not me though.
carli85: of courseee
onedayitwillmake: May she rest in peace, be it in heaven, or in hell (most likely)
carli85: most are in hell lol
onedayitwillmake: i was only kidding but c'mon
onedayitwillmake: you know you're right
carli85: lol
onedayitwillmake: but look
onedayitwillmake: let's make this the most fun funeral that it could be
carli85: ok lol
onedayitwillmake: pin the tail on the deceased, musical coffins, fruit punch
onedayitwillmake: we're gonna pull out all the stops
carli85: sol
onedayitwillmake: yay sol
carli85: ;o)
This is where I work