jus memy mommymudmy danturktonilil big bro. n mecar cheertee teeu gotta luv usjaneenmy bestfriend's baby daddy (lol)maritajonique n janeenlil cuddybestfriendsbrittmilenajpcheryl
This thing we call life is so hard. i know it's not suppose to be easy, but it's not suppose to be this damn hard.they say being homosexual is a sin, but u cant help the way you feel bout a person. so if it's beenin wit the same sex, so are you not suppose to be happy? whats the other option? please tell me I've been dying to know that answer. if a male doesn't make you happy, and a female does how come were suppose to help our feelings then? Is it because it's in da bible? what? since god created us and if some of us been like this since we were born then what does that mean? not saying that god made people this way, but he did make love. love is a beautiful thing. Why not share it with everyone. love is beautiful and if you build on it, it makes a beautiful thing! my relationship is living proof of that I've been workin on it for a long time and im not willing to give that up for NOBODY and how they feel on their beliefs, my beliefs are be happy in a healthy relationship no matter who it's with a male or a female. Do you dont do what others want you to do. I've grown to love the person im with now, and It's the best feeling YET, and the sex with her is amazing! even though It's only happened once, she got me so gone over her! It's crazy how she makes me feel, like i have no worries in the world. happy Isnt the word maybe.....i dont know crazy"I WOULDN TRADE U AND FOR NOTHING OR NOBODY".......my mom a.k.a my sis
Graphics & LayoutsTO ALL YA [H0eS] WIT MY NAME IN YO [m0uTh] DO WAT U DO BEST [sWaLL0W] IT
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R u in a relationship?: yea
If so wit who?: turk
Wat was ur longest relationship?: a year an a half
Was it worth it?: um...well yea
Who did u lose it to?: well i rather not say cuz we aint koo nomore
Whos was ur best bf/gf??: fred
what was ur shortest relationship: about 2weeks
Do u regret it??: kinda
Who did u fal in love wit first?: damon
Who r u in love wit now?: turk
Do u miss any of ur bf/gf?: um....ill rather not say
Who r u still friends wit??: every1 i went wit but 1
Has any one every cheated on u?: um.... i really dnt kno, but i hope not
How many times?:
Have u cheated on anyone?: (well um.... since kissin cheatn) yea
How many times?: once
If u can turn back time name one person u would go back out wit ?: im wit da one i wanna b wit
Do u flirt wen ur taken?: man... i wouldn say filrtin lol
If ur taken how many times have u got asked out durin ur relationship?: man alot
What did they tell u?: i should b wit them
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