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Dr. William P. Foster: Over 50 years ago, a young man entered the campus of Florida A&M, determined to make himself and the band program the best in the nation.Armed with less than 30 musicians, Dr. Foster had his sights set on putting 100 marching young men on the gridiron, so he nicknamed the band the "Marching 100."After growing to a little over 100 in 1950, the band started expanding its performance repertoire, adding a fast march (known as "fast one," to be later renamed the "Rattler"), the death march (known as "Slow One"), and a dance routine to the tune of Alexander's Rag Time Band.Fast-forward to the 60's, where he took the "100" to the Superbowl, and the airwaves, being featured on PBS, and later being televised on all of the major networks in the United States!When I first joined the Florida A&M Marching Band (I was a member of the band, NOT the "100"), I would only see Dr. Foster a few times a week. Coming in during the latter part of the week, Dr. Foster would work his magic on our show music, taking the tunes one note at a time, until it was performance-ready. As a freshman, his mere presence put me in awe, although it would be a year before I could really see and understand what was going on. Being a freshman, I only did as instructed, and asked few questions, if any. If everyone else was happy, so was I.Back to Dr. Foster (smile):While I was a member of the "100," Doc took me and the rest of the band places that we wouldn't normally go. Trips to Miami, Tampa, and Jacksonville were commonplace, but before I knew it, we were in Philly eating their world famous cheese steaks, Indianapolis playing in one of two Circle City Classics, Atlanta, Nashville, Los Angeles, The Bahamas, The Virgin Islands, Washington, DC, and our trip to Paris, France for the French Bicentennial Bastille Day Parade in 1989.He expected nothing less than our best, and made sure that we stayed in the best hotels, had top notch transportation (Go Greyhound!), and had the nourishment necessary to give a performance that our fans would love, and our naysayers fear.He built what is known as the best marching band in the land, validated by the selection of the John Phillip Sousa Foundation as the 4th recipient of the Sudler Award in 1985, one that no other HBCU has received to date.Dr. Foster retired in 1998, but he has not been forgotten, especially by those who have had the honor and privilege of being one of his pupils. It matters not whether you were a music major, drum major, or business major, he was a teacher, first and foremost, and we've never forgotten it.Dr. Foster is the epitome of coolness under pressure, and his personality and leadership are a part of those who performed under him.Before leaving the old band room prior to our home games, Dr. Foster would stand on the podium, facing all of his troops and say, "I think the "100" is ready."If he could think it, then it was duly noted, and we performed like a band under his leadership was supposed to.Thanks, Doc, for the kind and encouraging words, the great trips, the "transfer of learning," and for reminding me that no matter where I go, I can see a part of Dr. Foster in every one who has ever put on a band uniform for the Florida A&M University "Marching 100" Band!Hubba Doc!Dr. Foster - The Legecy
Dr. William P. Foster was a fellow of the Rosenwald General Education Board at Teacher's College, Columbia University, 1953-1955 for Doctorate Studies. He received his Bachelor of Music Education Degree from the University of Kansas in 1941, the Master of Arts in Music Degree from Wayne State University in 1950, and a Doctor of Education Degree with a major in music from Teachers College, Columbia University in 1955, and the Honorary Doctor of Human Letters Degree in 1998 from Florida A&M University.Dr. Foster, the creator of the world famous Florida A&M University Marching "100" Band, began his walk to fame at FAMU in June 1946. His creation, the internationally famous 329 piece FAMU Marching Band, for which he created more than 200 half-time pageants, has appeared in three films, three commercials, numerous magazine and newspaper articles, 60 Minutes, 20/20 and PM Magazine telecasts and thirty-four nationally televised performances on all networks with a viewing audience of over five billion people. The FAMU Marching Band was presented the prestigious Sudler Intercollegiate Marching Band Trophy on October 26, 1984.In 1989 the French chose Dr. Foster and his band as America's official representative in the Bastille Day Parade, celebrating the Bicentennial of the French Revolution. In January 27, 1996, the FAMU Marching Band was the center-piece of the Opening Ceremonies of the Walt Disney Indy 200. The Band was also the featured attraction at the Fifteenth and Twenty-fifth Anniversary National Telecast of Walt Disney World in 1986 and 1996. In January 1993 and 1997, the band appeared in the inaugural parade of President Bill Clinton.Dr. Foster is credited with revolutionizing marching band techniques and reshaping the world's concept of the collegiate marching bands. He is credited with being the driving force behind the nation's most innovative college band; revolutionizing marching band techniques, and reshaping the world's concept of the collegiate marching bands. He has been labeled the Law, the Maestro, musical and organizing genius, the greatest band director in the country, trend and pacesetter, and creator. He is the former director of the prestigious McDonald's All-American High School Band (1980-1992).Dr. Foster has written 18 articles for professional journals, 4 published marching band shows, and the textbook, Band Pageantry, considered "The Bible" for the marching band. He is the composer of Marche Brillante, National Honors March, March Continental, and Centennial Celebration.Dr. Foster is the first recipient of the United States Achievement Academy Hall of Fame Award and the Outstanding Educator Award presented by the School of Education Society of the University of Kansas Alumni Association. In 1992, Sports Illustrated declared the 100 as the best marching band in the country. In 1998 he was inducted as a Great Floridian by the Museum of Florida History.President Bill Clinton nominated and the United States Congress approved Dr. Foster as a member of the National Council on the Arts. Dr. Foster is a member of the Hall of Fame of the following organizations: Music Educators National Conference; the Florida Music Educators Association, Florida A&M University Sports, the National High School Band Directors, and the Afro-American Hall of Fame.He is a Board member with G. Leblanc Corporation, John Philip Sousa Foundation, International Music Festival, Inc., and the Marching Musician. On December 17, 1998 the Board of Electors in Chicago, Illinois elected Dr. William P. Foster to the National Band Association Hall of Fame for Distinguished Band Conductors. This is the most prestigious honor a bandmaster can receive.Dr. William P. Foster is recognized as The Dean of America's Band DirectorsWilliam P. Foster, Ed. D, Professor and Chairman Emeritus, retired after serving Florida A&M University for fifty-two years. On August 9, 1998, Dr. Foster assumed the position of Eminent Professor, Chairman of the Music Department Emeritus and Director of Bands Emeritus.As past President of the Florida Music Educators' Association, the college Band Directors' National Association and the American Bandmasters' Association, he entered his second year of quarterly meetings of the Council of the National Endowment for the Arts in Washington, DC.The Florida History Associates inducted him as a "Great Floridian" in a ceremony at the Tallahassee/Leon Country Civic Center.At the 1998 Summer Commencement Exercises, Dr. Foster was awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters by President Frederick S. Humphries.Dr. Foster received "The 1998 Distinguished Leader of the Year Award" from the Board of Governors Leadership Tallahassee/Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce. He was alos featured in a two-part series on WFSU's "Your Voice TV Talk Show" entitled: Florida A&M University-The Mind Behind the Vision of the FAMU Marching Band", which aired frequently during the fall of 1998. The William P. Foster Foundation Inc. has been established to assist in supporting the operations of the FAMU Marching and Symphonic Bands.The Florida Music Educators' Association and the Southern Division of the MENC read a proclamation honoring Dr. Foster at the opening of the 1999 Annual Clinic-Conference. The Board of Directors of the National Association for the Study and Performance of African-American Music selected Dr. Foster as one of its National Award recipients in 1999. The career of Dr. Foster was featured in the autumn 1998 issue of Leblanc Magazine, in four videos, and in a national documentary devoted to him which aired on NBC's "Today Show" on July 9, 1998.I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
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