Soccer and many other sports...I just like being outside. I enjoy drinking and partying with my friends, writing, reading, spending time with my girl, hangin out and just having a good time. I'm sure there's other stuff I like to do but I forgot it.
A lot of people...too many to list. I'm not too into the whole celebrity thing but it's nice to have connections ...or so I would think.Some notable choices: Alyssa Milano, Jessica Alba, Kate Beckinsale, Joss Wheedon, and of course, Stan Lee.
I listen to aboslutely EVERYTHING!
Eurotrip, Tommy Boy, The X-Men movies, Underworld, Waiting, Clue, and a ton others....I'm kind of a movie guy.
Family Guy, Law and Order in all of its incarnations, and MTV.
A LOT....I love to READ!!! ....I'm such a nerd.
My's corny but I still look up to him of all people. He's quite amazing and always thinks of his family before himself. He's selfless and strong. I want to be just like that when I grow up.