.Fritz profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Fritz zar and im 18
My main goal in life is to play music and make a living doing so. its honestly a passion.
I play drums in a Reggae/ska/punk band called Domestic Fury
Im a strong believer in Equality and the ideals that come along with it. its all about respect and love.

other then that, im pretty simple :]

IM me- whatsyourclaim

My Interests

Drums, music, jamming with people, getting dirty, getting clean, chill'n with the guys, THE ESSENTIALS!

I'd like to meet:

an open mind, anyone who isnt binded by regulations


acoustic, ska, reggae, dub, powerviolence, grind, thrash, metal, hardcore punk, fastcore..blah blah blah

Charles bronson, RESIST, atmosphere, ICE-T, slightly stoopid, BIGWIG, Sublime, Disrupt, Bandits of the acoustic revolution, Defiance,ohio, Bob marley, INFEST, catch 22, gang green, Embrace the end, negitive FX, midnite, conflict, suicide machines, Ya basta!!, jack johnson, animosity, the expendables, brother inferior, seein red, INDK, no comment, crossed out, kakistocracy, Ballast, witch hunt, Los crudos, vitamin X, real reggae, fuck on the beach, machinegun romantics, MDC, limp wrist, necro, operation ivy, tower of rome, inner terrestrials, capitalist casualties, ghostface killah, leftover crack/choking victim, zion I, negitive approach, das oath, SPAZZ...stuff like that
