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Click Here to get this from!You have a sexual IQ of 126
When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.
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What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Sherley Temples
Birthday: January 26 1988
Color ? Teal and Silver ((for the moment))
Food ? Mi mama's home cookin
Item of clothing ? My gray furry Abercrombie sweatshirt
Meal of the day ? Dinner
Feature on yourself ? My eyes and smile
Quality in a guy/girl ? Sense of humor
Phrase ? "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"
Song ? "Over my head" by the Fray
Musical Artist/Band ? I have tons
Sport ? Football
Movie ? Save the Last Dance
TV Show ? Sex and the City and Friends
Radio Station ? Jamn 945
Type of Chocolate ? Any Kind
Eye Color ? Blue
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? I had bunnies before
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
MacDonalds or Burger King: BK
Have any piercings ? Nose.Belly.Ears
Have any tatoos ? An angel on my shoulder ((for my daddy))
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend Nope
Cappuccino or Coffee: COFFEE
Do you Smoke: I have a tendency to do that
Gone skinny dipping ? ahhh no
Been to Europe ? yess
Been to an island ?
Had stitches ?
Broken any bones ? Nope
Been stabbed/shot ?
Slept until after 12:00 ?
Stayed up all night ? Yess...I did yesterday
Do you think you are Attractive:
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? Week Yess...Weekend NO
Turned down a dare ? Never
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? Tanya
Is the prettiest ? Bre
Is the most handsom ? CorCor
Is the loudest ? Kristen...but i beat her
Is the craziest ? Tanya
Is the most shy ? April
Is the most loving ? Katie
Is the most understanding ? Gen
Is the most boring ? April...But i love her
Is the richest ? Bre haha
Is the most athletic ? Bre again
Is the most cocky ? None.
Ever been Drunk: Hells yeah
Is the most wordly/cultured ? Gen
Do you look up to the most ? Bre
Do you tell everything to ? Gen
Has the best clothes ? Bre
Has the best house ? All of my friends have nice houses ((I am not materialistic like that))
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? I will try anything once
Kiss someone of the same sex ? Done it
Cheat on someone you love ? I don't think I would be able to
Run away from home ? Done that too
Lie to your parents ? All the time
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? Maybe the time will come when that is necessary
Lie to your best friend ? If I had a good reason
Give a homeless person money ? Done it
Run from the police ? I aint neva scared of no Po Po
Bungee jump ? Did that at summer camp
Sky dive ? In a heart beat if I had the money
Cross dress ? Yeah why not
Be an exotic dancer ? If I looked like Bre Hell Yeah I would
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? Done it
Scuba dive ? I would love to
Go rock climbing ? Maybe...I am not that outdoorsy
Go spulunking (caving) ? no
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? Sexy
Bologna ? Wierd odor
Hott ? Sexy Men haha
Orange ? Oranges
Real world ? You think you know but you have no idea
Jack ? Jack and Jill
Cucumber ? Market Basket
Hip-Hop ? My life
Uniform ? Catholic School
UniCORN ! ? fairy tales
Rainbow ? gay
Clown ? sketchy
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Your Stripper Song Is
Dirrty by Christina Aguelera
"Too dirrty to clean my act up
If you ain't dirrty
You ain't here to party"
You're so dirty, you make Christina look clean.
What Song Should You Strip To?
Take the quiz:
Which GUY would you date? (((PiCTURES)))
You like a guy to romance you with his SEXY voice!!
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What kind of jewel are you?
Your beauty is both breathtaking and stunning. Your friends could see you everyday and still be enchanted.
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