Made with My Cool Signs.NetWell about me.....In life you tend to get thrown an freakin curve ball and it's always when you have a full count, but thats life.... And what doesnt break you can only make you stronger! I have an @MaZ!nG Mom who has given me a perfect example; despite it ALL, she keeps her head up and moves foward. All awhile she still mantains a successful life. I FREAKING LUV THAT WOMAN! As for me, I live my *CrAzy B3aUt!Ful* life to the fullest for myself and my family. I am not gonna waiste my time on people/things that just don't matter in the long run and that includes things that cant be change'd. I live my life as a journey with no real regrets; only lessoned learned, with wisdom gained, and stregnth for the next time around. I won't dwell in the past and sure as hell WON'T walk around with my head down b/c I know I am W0rTh $o Mu(h MoR. Plus life's too short; You gotta dance in the rain while you can. My corazonsito belongs to my husband VJ, he's been my best friend, my luv, & my life. For better or worse we keep it like Bonnie & Clyde! Together we have 3 fantabulous little people Andres Isaiah, Victoria Embrey, & my step-daughter Kyleigh! Those kiddos bring me rainbows and gumdrops everytime. I am the oldest of 3, my brothers Johnny and Alex are my bestest buds, talk about strength in family! There is so much in life that I couldn't have done with out them and my Mom. Sooooo uhmm, I guess that's it...the small grain of my life I have chosen share......MUCH LOVE......HAPPINESS......& PEACE!!! (And GO GREEN)
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