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"Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us."My name is EresMia (you're mine) but, I go by Mia because it's so much easier. I am 24 years old and am the proud parent of 2 wonderful kids. Okay - only one of them is MINE, the other one is mine because she claimed me as her parent. LOL. My son is Matthew and he just turned 4! Bianca is sixteen. This is the daily routine....Get up - go to work - sleep - repeat. J/K.There's not too much to me, just trying to raise these children to the best of my ability. I enjoy going out and having a beer, but I also like to stay home and watch movies with the kids. I believe that what makes you - breaks you. I am sweet and kindhearted (in my opinion lol)but at the same time, that is my downfall.a href="
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var rows = new Array()
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