i'm may..memey, mean, kikay, meh, mae, meimei..you can call me whatever you want..but don't call me a bitch *MySpAcE SuRvEy*
[name]: may
[birthdate]: 11.14.86
[sex]: female
[relationship status]: married (awww!)
[shoe size]: 8
[parents still together]: yup!
[siblings]: 2
[pets]: dog and cat
[color]: white
[number]: 01
[time of year]: new year! hehe
[type of weather]: cold weathah!
[food/drink]: filipino foods, pasta, pizza
--DO YOU--
[twirl your hair]: huh???
[have any tattoos]: nah..
[cheat on tests]: ahaha..who doesn't?
[like scary movies]: yeah
[like cleaning]: depends on my mood
[know how to drive a standard]: no
[own a cell phone]: yeah..i got 2!
[collect anything]: candles..wines
[been in a fist fight]: yah
[considered a life of crime]: no
[considered being a hooker]: no
[been in love]: oh yeah!
[made out with just a friend]: no
[hurt someone you love]: i dunno
[kicked someone in the nuts]: no
[clothing]: shirt and shorts
[hair]: tied up
[song you are in love with]: never gonna let u go
[cd in your stereo]: none
[mood]: bored
[thing you ought to be doing]: sleeping..it's gettin late
[first crush]: that was on 3rd grade..i forgot his name
[first kiss]: ahehe..my hon (he's my first bf & first kiss..aww!) **smooches**
[first love]: next question please..
[do you believe in love at first sight]: hell no..that's ridiculous!
[do you believe in "the one"]: maybe
[are you a tease]: ask my boyfriend..haha..prolly, but to him ONLY!
[would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: yessssssssss
[honest]: yah..
[sarcastic]: ahmmm...sometimes
[a daydreamer]: yeah
[up tight or laid back]: up tight!
[messy or organized]: both!
[shy our outgoing]: outgoing
[nervous habits]: talk a lot..sometimes, biting nails
[are you double jointed]: nah
[can you roll your tongue]: yah..
[do you make your bed daily]: no..haha
[which shoe goes on first]: either..i don't care
[bought something]: lol..stupid question..but of course!
[been sick]: yah
[sang]: a lotta times
[missed someone]: yeah :(
[gotten drunk]: no
[gotten a haircut]: nope..but i'll get my hair done soon!
[watched cartoons]: haha..yeah..still a kid at heart
[been kissed]: no
[lied]: yeah..white lies only..hehe
[you spent the night with]: sibs
[spent the night with you]: same
[saw you cry]: mah bro and sis
[made you cry]: hon
[you said "i love you" to]: hon..(my boyfriend)
[told you they loved you]: hon too!
[the best feeling in the world]: being loved
[the worst feeling in the world]: being left alone
[your greatest fear]: losing my loved ones
[the thing you want most in life]: be happy, stable and contented
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