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About Me

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So there is not much to say. I was born in Augsburg at August 11 in 1986 and now I live there with the most perfect girlfriend that exists in the whole fucking world.
My life is all about the music, it does not matter if I listen to it or if I play it myself. At the age of 11 I started playing drums and now I am still doing it, and I love it like the first time when I was hitting the first stroke on my snare-drum!
My favourite music-styles are: Pop-Punk and Skate Punk but sometimes I like to listen to good melodic Hardcore. And sometimes I like listening to alternativ rock.
I am currently playing in a Pop-Punk Band who is called "Estrella Drive" have a look at my Top-Friend or check out the following link.
If you want to know more about me write a message or feel free to add me to your friends.That is all so far...
Watch me playing Drums:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A lot of important people, they have changed my life with their music: That would be espacially Travis Barker, Mark Hoppus from Blink 182, Tony Sly (No Use For A Name), Joey Cape (Lagwagon), All Guy from All Time Low, Haley Smith (Paramore), Blake Evans (Amber Pacific), Roger Manganelli (Less Than Jake), The Guys From Allister (all of them), Chris Burney (Bowling For Soup), Jordan Pundik (New Found Glory)
Allister - Somewhere on Fullerton (cool song with a funny beginning)

Paramore - Misery Buisness (Live)

My Blog


Wir haben die Chance auf dem Wiley-Festival in Ulm unmittelbar vor den Toten Hosen zu spielen.  Ihr könnt uns dabei helfen indem ihr auf folgenden link klickt
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 21:02:00 GMT

Meine neue Band / My new band!

GERMAN VERSION:Hallo zusammen!Nachdem es ja - wie vielen von euch wahrscheinlich aufgefallen ist - ziemlich still um Panthouse geworden ist, dachte ich mir ich such mir einfach noch was zweites hinzu....
Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 05:10:00 GMT

Bitte neue Band anhörn! / Please Check Out My New Band!!!

GERMAN VERSION: Hallo zusammen! Ich hab eine neue Band gefunden! Name: Panthouse Sind wirklich coole leute die auch was auf´m Kasten haben! Wir ham gestern zusammen den ersten gemeinsamen Gig gespielt...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 03:47:00 GMT

Aussteig bei Forget Fourteen / I left Forget Fourteen

GERMAN VERSION Tag Jungs und Mädels! Ich bin bei Forget Fourteen ausgestiegen da ich keine Lust mehr habe auf eine "One-Man-Show" wie es bei uns definitiv der Fall war, es kann einfach nicht sein...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 01:57:00 GMT