Not much can be said here really. Mainly coz im not good at describing myself. You'd have to meet me to know what im really like coz the explanations no match for the real thing!! God tht sounded so sad but i like it so I'm keepin it there. I go by many names but mostly people call me Dougall. I live in Glasgae and go to the uni there but was origionally an edimbuger. mmmm i taste goood. I like going back there a lot coz i have friends there tht i miss and of course tht miss me so I'm really doing them a favor. And tths about as much as i can give myself credit towards and im not sure why im writing anymore so ... ..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!
mark dougall --
A human transformer (Robot in disguise)
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