Above all else: Family. Best friends&lasting friendships. Andrew. The Oregon Coast. Traveling. Puppies. Cereal&soymilk. Africa. Handbags in chinatown for $20. Photo booths. Long drives and even longer talks. Unlimited text messaging. Sunsets. Acoustic guitars. Letting go. Michelle living on a dude ranch. Polka dots. Knee length skirts. Genuine laughter. Fruit smoothies. Jessica. Hand written letters. Comfortable high heels. Death row inmates. Eye contact. Song lyric tattoos. Vegan cuisine. Mo, Marina, Colette and Cate. Thai food picnics. Hand holding. Sailboats&nautical apparel. A warm fireplace and a good book. Road trips. Volunteer work. Candles. Open hearts&clear minds. Vanilla scented anything. Surprises.
People that are in touch with reality. People that appreciate a good daydream. People to travel the world with. Jon Bon Jovi and his feathered bangs. A beach house on the Oregon Coast that I can grow old in. My brother as he comes home from Afghanistan. Also, us in ten years:
H20, Bruce Springstein, Comeback Kid, Journey, Strike Anywhere, Rocky Votolato, The Warriors, Counting Crows, Tim Martin.
Tommy Boy. Black Sheep. Strange Brew. Documentaries.
The Book of If. Through the eyes of the Judged. People Weekly.
RIP Brandie Bailey 5.8.2005