Born in rural England, I got turned on to music after finding an old guitar in my parents attic along with all their old 45s. From Dave Brubeck to Magical Mystery Tour, I learned it all. Five years later, my band was a big fish in a small pond, and five years after that, every major label in England was courting us.
In the early 90s, my band, The Starclub, signed the biggest deal Island records had ever offered a new band - Chris Blackwell being personally active in the deal - only to see the project immediately begin to unravel. Relocating from London to New York, I put myself through singer-songwriter boot camp, forcing myself to take the stage at endless open-mic nights and eventually locating my muse. Then, having seen first-hand how skilled producers operate, from working with John Leckie and Chris Hughes in the U.K., I taught myself how to produce quickly and on the cheap.
A call to my old friend Robin Wilson, singer of the Gin Blossoms (with whom my band toured while signed) set in motion the recording of The Longshadows
debut offering, Simple Minded Way; a body of work - filled with rich soundscapes, intricate electric and acoustic work, and momentum-inducing grooves - that eloquently showcases my production and writing sensibilities.
My approach to producing other artists is three fold; firstly to identify and hone the true personality of the material, then to identify and capture the true personality of the artist, and finally to package the sound in a manner that is intriguing on both the first listen, and the 100th.
Producing other artists, for me, is an egoless endeavor; one that I love more than any other aspect of my work. Like picking up an interesting guitar, the trick and the joy is to find a way to play it such that it speaks with its own tone and voice. That is far more interesting than blindly superimposing an idea onto the unwilling. That is cynical, transparent and unfulfilling. Better to have a kid read his own poem than read someone elses: far more charming. Thats my philosophy for music production.
Documentary: The RotoVirus
Credit: Music Composer and Producer.
I went to Cincinnatti a few months ago to work on a documentary about something called the rotovirus - that kills 600 000 young children a year worldwide. I find that statistic, and its emotional consequences umimaginable. I was fortunate and honored to be asked to provide music for the doc, and the director's musical vision was something that appealed very much. We worked well together and its done. Ive uploaded the intro piece of the doc to this page. Its very clean and clinical composition and production, yet ambient and emotional weighted. Im happy with the piece.
??Now, if the documentary raises awareness to seek a cure, wouldnt that be something?.
Movie: Parting Words
Opera soundtrack
Credit: Music Arranger and Producer.
Successful commercial and indie film maker Stan Schofield is the kind of guy i i want to be when i grow up. This movie "Parting Words" is both very funny and very sad, about a dying woman's wish to sleep with her 3 life long guy friends... who happen to all be married. The fallout of the wish strains friendships and marriages to the point where only the strongest make it through. Its the best movie ive worked on, and i am thrilled and very luck to be part of the team.
Original music sound track
Credit: Composer and music Producer
Three to Five and Glassy is a feature length romantic comedy about a native hawai'an girl living in New York. After getting locked out of her apartment, the film follows her day as she struggls will the hassles and issues of the keys, her ex, a drumken blind date she cant remember, etc, which are all metaphors for her bigger life issues. The Zen of surfing - that you cant fight life's waves, but you CAN ride them to get where you want to go - is the underlying message. 13:48, on my player, (named because the cue point was 13:48 mins into the movie - thats how cue-sheets work) is a dreamy piece from the movie set to pictures of Annie daydreaming of surfing, and a beautiful montage of hawaiian beach scenes, waves, and general paradise. I wore a Hawaiian shirt for every session :) just to keep my self amused and feeling sunny. I loved making this sound track. All the music was so mellow, blissed out, and fun to do.
Micah Clarke
Track: Coming Down
Credit: Producer, Arranger, Performer. Mixer
I met Micah on myspace through the production deals i have been offering. (See - i did mean what I said.) I fell in love with his song "Coming Down" and knew immediately that i wanted to work with him. The track built its self, and Micah's crooning voice is wonderful. Thank you Micah for a great job. We are now looking into promotional opportunities for him and the track, and i'd also love to find funding to complete an album. Micah is a class act, and I want the best for him.
Jon Moreno
Track: Soon
Credit: Producer, Arranger, Performer. Mixer
Jon is an interesting writer I offered a production deal to. Ive been listening to his material for a while and love his stuff. “Soon†is a great song that I was itching to do. I loved his demo too, but followed my gut and came up with something different. Its on my player. The production was done “long-distance.†I recorded the music in NY and he did vocals in Denver. We had a lot of fun with over-the-phone backing vocals arrangements. He is a pleasure to work with.
Vylet Wylde
Album: Water and Chemicals
Credit: Producer.
Great songs and spirited performances. LOVED this project. I blogged the making of this album, and it makes for fun reading. To get the full picture, scroll back to the start of june.
The Longshadows
Album: Simple Minded Way
Credit: Writer, Producer, Arranger, Performer.
My own labor of love, featuring Robin Wilson of the Gin Blossoms.
Jo Cunningham
Albums: Down Every Alley, & A Sailors Lament
Credit: Co-Writer, Producer, Arranger, Performer.
The first of two albums I did with Jo (the second being mixed at the moment) Jo is a fan of the Beatles, but is steeped in middle American folk traditions. He has his own tender philosophies about life and shares them openly. He also happens to be one of my most soulful friends and confidants, without whom I would have sunk last year. I love ya, man.
Blister Rust
Album: Whos Gonn Scratch Your Itch
Credit: Producer
The Hardest music I have done and the most fun. V8 is psycho-adrenaline-on-speed! Yeah!!!
Jess Klein
Tracks: Song For An Angel.
Credit: Producer, Arranger, Performer.
Ah, Jess. I did a track a while ago that remains my favorite piece of work. Let's do it again. I've had a bug in my head about her for a decade. What a great talent.