This profile and page is to commemorate the wonderful Barbaro and his impact not only on the horse industry and fans, but to all who watched him run. He was a horse of a lifetime, and a favorite to win the elusive triple crown. His performance in the derby, was almost effortless running away from the field to victory, Edgar Prado was aboard. The next two weeks were almost unbearable with anticipation... could he be the next super horse? The next to earn a Triple Crown? The Preakness came, and Barbaro seemed happier than ever to be out on the track and ready to race. In tip top form, he was ready to go, and America was ready to watch him run away from the field as he did in the Derby. However, this fairytale did not play out. Barbaro shattered his right hind leg a few hundred yards into the race. In the blink of an eye his unbelievable and promising racing career was over, and he was in the race for his life.At the New Bolton Center at the University of Penn. under head Veterinarian Dr. Richardson, a five hour surgery was performed to correct the injury. For most horses his injury would have been fatal, however his trainer Matz, and his owners all felt he could be saved. Twenty three screws and one long metal plate later Barbaro was out of surgery and bearing weight on the leg. But he is not out of danger yet. Infection, Laminitus (rotation of bones near the hoof) loom over him. Keep him in your prayers, and feel free to leave positive comments for all to read. This horse, needs all the help we can give him! God bless, and God Speed... BARBARO!We will do our best to keep updates on barbaro in the blog section of the website!
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