simple pleasures: friends music ipod alex's laptop parties lazy weekends going out staying in chinese kitten pug dancing double bed orange street new perfume cocktails matthew saunders studio gatherings shed loads of credit cigarettes blue mickeys and lemon free texts texting late night phone calls whitstable in the summer fridays saturdays snake2 curry xbox live halo gears burnout sunday dinner you staying over being right smiles old friends old memories times gigs saving cinema tickets long train journeys living so close t town you living at my house meeting new people summer getting a tan key west coolers fitties green skittles+red fruit pastilles EAT. staff discount when i dont even work there. not t mention free food and drink polaroid cameras knowing what you're thinking cute songs nostalgic songs motivation taking th time always wearing someone else's belt making people laugh hot showers films film list new experiences dancing to good music enjoying life but knowing what comes next.