acting silly, activism, advocacy, amélie, animal rights, animals, animation, anime, anthropology, art, audrey tautou, bay area, beaches, beatles, biking, biting, bob marley, books, boys, british comedy, california, cameras, camping, candy, cartoons, cheese, chocolate, college, comedy, comics, communication, comprehensive sexuality education, computers, cooking, corset, cows, cult films, dance, dark chocolate, debate, deviantart, education, edward gorey, ender's game, everything, family guy, films, fire, fishnets, food, foreign films, france, freedom of speech, friends, fun, going to the beach, hamlet, harry potter, intelligence, janis joplin, japan, jewelry, jimi hendrix, kenshin, kissing, kresge, kresge college, literature, love, making love, modest mouse, monty python, movies, mp3s, music, my ipod, nature, nine inch nails, online, opinions, orange juice, peace, pets, photography, pirates, politics, pro-choice, radiohead, rats, reading, redwood city, rhymes with orange, robyn, rock, rocky horror picture show, rodents, romeo and juliet, sewing, sex ed, sexuality, shakespeare, shoes, simpsons, singing, skating, skin, snow, snowboarding, stanley kubrick, stuff, surfing, sushi, taxi driver, techno, the beatles, the boondock saints, the family guy, the simpsons, the web, the white stripes, tintin, tool, totoro, travel, uc santa cruz, ucsc, underwear, video, war on drugs, warm, white stripes, woodside, writing, yoga
People preferably...
The Faint, Flogging Molly, Tool, NIN, Pink Floyd, The beatles, Scissor Sisters, Modest Mouse, Outkast, Hedwig, Jazz, Rock, Old Rock, some Rap, anything but Country mostly...
Amélie, Boondock Saints, Garden State, Monsoon Wedding