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Pic of the Week!
Click to view Kurt's Pic of the Week.
I was a muscian at one time in my life. The main instruments I played were the flute and piccolo. I also played the bassoon, french horn, trumpet. Of course the trumpet thing was short lived but I played it for our High school granduation in the Jazz band. Believe it or not I learned it in three days playing first string. I appreciate the effort and time it takes to make a dream or passion come true.
I love to read but mostly I dont have the time like I use too. I have however started to read a Photography book my awsome brother gave me for my birthday and of course all the kids books you can think of...... Being a parent means starting all over again!! Hehehehe....
My number one hero is our Lord and Savior!!! With out you nothing is possible. My husband who goes above and beyond to work hard so that I can stay at home with my kids. My daughter and son who bring me more joy than I ever thought possible. I am greatful to know the joy of being a parent and would never change a moment of it. My family who has always supported me in everything that I do. For all the soldiers who have fought and are fighting for our country. Zach Knight my cousin who even with a loss of a limb can do some of the most remarkable things with the love of God. My beautiful cousin who is serving the Navy and shows the love of God to her fellow service personel. Anyone who finds there way to God when they thought all would be lost.