F this section. There are only two things you need to know about me and they are:
1] I fly high
2] I do what I want.
I'm at war with two Koreans, oh noes~~~!
Good friends never die.
RIP The Explosion :[
, , , .
Dan Leavitt.
feed you the sky (11:39:25 PM): Okay wait
feed you the sky (11:39:32 PM): what's worse, Myspace whores or scene kids?
TUsungrasper (11:39:38 PM): scene kids
TUsungrasper (11:39:46 PM): because you meet them in real life
TUsungrasper (11:39:55 PM): and the only way to block them is to hit them with your car
feed you the sky (11:40:07 PM): Let's go scene kid bowling!!!
Where I'd like to visit:
I'm srsly considering doing study abroad in Italy.