if your mama gave it to you, baby girl let it show profile picture

if your mama gave it to you, baby girl let it show

9/23/06;; till forever

About Me

This layout is from whateverlife.com!
My names Alexis.
I'm an 8th grader At BLMS.
I have the best friends ever
expceially Lexi Lynn Steele.
I love the computer.
&& My cell phone.

I have aol.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

LONG ass survey * BASiCS * Full Name:: Alexis Elaine English
Where did your parents get your name?: from their parents?
If you could change your name, what would it be?: I dunno.
How old are you?: 14.
When is your birthday?: december 15th
Where were you born?:eastliverpool or salem.. idk
Do you still live there?: i livei n eastliverpool.
What were you like as a child?: who knows. hah.
Describe yourself now :: i dunno
* FAMiLY *
Are your parents together?: nope.
Who do you live with?: mom. && cousin.
Any siblings?: sister and a brother.
Who is your favorite family member?: my cousin Nicole.
Who is your most annoying family member?: my cousin
Have you lost any family members?:yeah.
Did you cry?: yeah.
Describe your family in one word?: Dads side-small. moms side-big.
Color:: pink
Food:: chineese
Candy:: pay day.
Beverage:: iced tea or gaterade.
Movie:: the notebook.
Song:: lots.
Band:: my brothers. haha.
TV Show:: full house
Class at school?: science, bc we dont do nothing.
Least favorite Class?: language, i hate mrs keenan.
Store:: hollister.
Restraunt:: olive garden.
Thing to do for fun:: play bball, geton the computer.
Animal:: koala
Book:: none
Magazine:: cosmo
Perfume / cologne :: axe.
Fruit:: strawbery.
Veggie:: idk
Coke or Pepsi:: neither.
Friends or Family:: friends
Square or Circle:: ?
Love or Lust:: love
Kisses or Cuddle :: cuddle
Meat or Veggies:: meat
Pie or Cake:: pie.
Pudding or Yogurt:: yogurt Sick for a day or grounded for a week:: sick for a day
New York or California:: new york
Cell phone or Home phone:: cell phone.
Day or night:: night
Coffee or Hot Cocoa:: hot cocoa
Cherries or Strewberries:: cherries
Loudest:: Lexi.
Quietest:: Cathy
Oldest:: i dunno.
Youngest:: i dunno.
Sweetest:: Nick =]
Funniest:: Lexi.
Most Annoying:: i dunno.
Sexiest:: nicholas.
Craziest:: lexi.
Most emotional:: bria.
Most Ghetto:: Mikey.
Stupidest:: bria
Most Potential:: potential?
Thing you ate?: dont remember
Thing you said?: dont remember.
Person you yelled at?: my brother.
Person you kissed?: nicholas.
Person you hugged?: Nicholas.
Time you showered?: last night.
Time you sneezed?: i dont remember.
Person to call you?: zach
Person to piss you off?: nick
Time you were drunk?: actually, i dont remember. haha.
Time you were grounded?: HAHA.. my mom told me i was grounded yesterday. but im not.
Song you listened to?: i dunno
* LOVE *
Are you single or taken?: taken
If you're single do you like someone?: not single.
If you're taken, by who?: Nicholas
What turns you on?: nick
What turns you off?: dirty ppl.
What type of relationship are you looking for?: the one im in.
Whats the craziest thing you've done for love?: i dunno
Whats the sweetest thing your bf / gf has done for you: i dunno.
Have you ever cried over a boy/girl?: yes.
Have you had your heart broken?: yes.
Have you broken anyone's heart?: yeah.
Whats the furthest you've gone?: no comment.
have you ever cheated on your bf/gf?: yeah. not nick though.
Have you ever been in love?: yeah.
How do you know?: because i am?
What is the most memorable moment of your bf/gf?: too many
Fallen off your bike?: yeah.
Broken a mirror?: yes
loved someone so much it made you cry?: nope.
Failed a class?: yep.
Been in a car accident?: nope.
Lied to a friend to make them feel better?: yeah.
Snuck out of your house?: yeah
Liked a friend as more than just a friend?: yeah
Cursed at your parents?: yeah.
Thought about suicide?: nope
Gotten lost?: yeah
Broken a bone?: nope
Been out of the country?: nope
Had a bad dream and woke up at night and couldn't go back to sleep?: yeah
Whats your most embarrassing moment?: um idk
Whats your most missed memory?: no comment
If you could have one wish what would it be?: nothing =]
Whats your biggest fear?: dieing
Who is the closest person in the world to you?: lexi and nick. What is your most prized possession?: cell phone
What college do you wish to attend?:dunno
Do you want to get married?: yes
What grosses you out?: dunno
When is the last time you were truely happy?: 9-23-06. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 items are a must have?: nick lexi & my cell phone. Who is your favorite celebrity?: i dunno
What is your favorite season?: summer
What was the last dream you had?: wow.. halirious.. me nad lexi got into a fight, and i hit her with a chair.. haah.
Are you glad this survey is over?: YES.


Myspace Layouts

Lexi Lynn Steele
I love you so much!.
We've been threw everything together.
Idk what i would do without you.
I loev you best friend!

Myspace Layouts
Nicholas Meeks I love you babe