I would say God/Jesus, but that's not an interest really, its a relationship and a lifestyle. Music, drums, shows, art, photoshop, web design, music, the beach, did I mention music?
Any decent form of music: anything innovative, displaying musicianship, complex instrumentation and technical ability,(meaning not powerchord-powerchord-powerchord). So that rules out any boy band/girl group due to the fact that they don't play any instruments. Drum machines have no soul, so that rules out rap, hip-hop, techno, and what people today call R&B (the real Rhythm and Blues is the good stuff...Muddy Waters and the like). Oh, and for the love of everything holy...no country. Pretty much everything else from jazz and bebop to hardcore and metal. Classic rock is a must, and ringo star was the worst drummer of all time!!!
Top Gun, Boondock Saints, Braveheart, We Were Soldiers, The Patriot, Gladiator, The Incredibles, Zoolander, Bruce Lee Movies, Lethal Weapon Series, Back to the Future, Underworld, Dodgeball, Anchorman, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Lord of the Rings Trillogy, Star Wars...too many others to list.
I don't really watch TV. But when I do, 24, The Unit, Heroes and CSI and that's about it.
The Bible, The Power Of One, A Seperate Peace, A Wrinkle in Time, The Chronicals of Narnia.
My Parents, The Men in Talea, My Siblings, My Friends, and all of those who inspire me to be a better drummer; Thomas Lang, Marco Minneman, Carter Beauford, and all the other drumming greats. Batman.