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We Spin Our World

About Me

In 2002 my husband and I were having a very rough go of things starting with our personal and business lives. In November of that year we had a life changing experience; we were introduced to firewalking. Through that workshop of breaking boards, bending wrought iron bars and breaking arrows with our throats and culminating on walking across a stretch of hot coals reaching 1,900 degrees, we found what we were looking for. This experience taught us how to see ourselves on the other side of problems and to walk the hot coals to the other side.
A couple years after that experience with many more tossed in, we had the opportunity to see someone perform spinning poi; fire poi. We found it to be another life changing experience and this is how it happened; The days following we were taught some of the techniques using other forms of poi. Some with flags, some without flags and some with flashing lights. From that point forward we have been learning, teaching and spreading the word about this unique art form and using it as a form of personal expression.
Through our passion and dedication to seeing ourselves on the other side of life's problems we have been led to this point where we have opened our Poi Hut so that we may share our experiences, make new friends and find our way to the "other side."
We look forward to not only hearing from you, but from learning from you as we share and grow in our common interrest of spinning poi, staves, fans and anything that isn't nailed down to the floor. CONTACT US FOR ORDERING INFORMATIONHttp://www.Diosas-Poi-Hut.com

My Interests

Pyro toys, fire breathing, fire walking, fire spinning, teaching, and learning new poi and staff spinning techniques as well as acquiring new forms of this art. If it's not nailed down, I'll spin it and possibly find a way to light it on fire while spinning.

I'd like to meet:

Sean Connery and Bette Midler are some of the famous people I'd like to meet. The people that I'm really looking forward to meeting are the friends that have not come into my life as yet. If you're reading this, then you and I have in common some interrest; possibly poi spinning or fireworking. Drop me a line and we'll see where our friendship will go.

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Anything we can spin to.


See Television.


What's that? Do I own one? I'm told it's that square boxy thing in the living room that has the moving pictures, but because I'm forever moving and rarely sit down, I don't have the opportunity to watch TV.


Instructional manuals for spinning stuff!


Murphy and how he came up with them pesky laws!
Confucious and his wisdom about itchy butts!
Percy Verance and how he had this knack of keeping on task.