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mnemonic marissa

I am here for Friends

About Me

i alliterate superfluously.
and, i don't worry; the best is yet to come.
we need your help.
my best friend and i are currently planning a road trip across country for the upcoming summer. i'm sure you can tell from that simple description that it's not going to be an inexpensive trip... and if you know me at all, you know that i'm not a rich person. in fact, i'm a very cheap poor person. THUS, i need your connections.
so, if you have any family/friends that live in the states listed at the bottom of this plea, who might be willing to put leslie and me up for a night or two along our journey next summer, please let one of us know ASAP. it's really early to plan, i'm aware, but i would like to get started as soon as possible with putting together potential resting points along our grand trek.
now, the states:
idaho, montana, wyoming (near or within yellowstone), north dakota, minnesota, wisconsin, illinois, indiana, ohio, pennsylvania, maryland.

My Interests

words, songs, morbid hilarity, organic foodstuffs, american history, laughter, good films, live improv, travel, yoga, walking, running, tea, flowers, peace, patience, paroxysm.

I'd like to meet:

people who understand the value of humility.

and this lovely man, of course:


anything that moves me and/or makes me wanna move.


currently watching[andloving]:


beloved; the bluest eye; lolita; 1984; east of eden; one flew over the cukoo's nest; the scarlet letter; the grapes of wrath; things fall apart; the great gatsby; of mice and men; little children; animal farm; burmese days; the catcher in the rye; ada, or ardor; the bell jar; the book of ruth; the poisonwood bible; snow falling on cedars; house of sand and fog; the stranger; crime and punishment; lord of the flies; to kill a mockingbird; angela's ashes; wicked: the life and times of the wicked witch of the west. plays = a streetcar named desire; closer; the glass menagerie; othello; no exit; romeo and juliet.


gandhi gandhi gandhi gandhi gandhi

My Blog

for my favorite fantasy.

oh my dearest, dearest farce,do you mind that mindlesslyi fight to find the hinge between your shoulder and the knobby blocks beneath your chin?although, it pains -i know not of their whereabouts...
Posted by mnemonic marissa on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 07:41:00 PST

never underestimate the distance between lovers.

you're a preoccupationin a maelstrom of malicious monotonymore cruicial, thoughthan i bargain you seem.through desperate thought, feigned inactivityi break down my bodybit by harmless bitcuticles weep...
Posted by mnemonic marissa on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 12:59:00 PST

disembodied observations/fickle follies of transitory inspirations.

numbers fall from bleak-lined paper with the weight of dead flies and wail "static mutiny! ditch your dirges of apathy!" our faces, stymied. sole inanimate glisten by coffee mug-sweat halos beaming no...
Posted by mnemonic marissa on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 01:03:00 PST

on ambiguous amblings and assorted alliterations.

i have come to perceive of my subjective being that i must continuously latch onto that nothing which is my something. i am alone and amiable when i have this nothingness, this particular void upon wh...
Posted by mnemonic marissa on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 01:15:00 PST

counterfeit pieces of a desperate peace.

the gap between laughing and weeping mightbe described as wide, or maybe the tight-ness of abdominal muscles and crinkling of facewarrant similarity that calls for a casereassessment on paroxysma...
Posted by mnemonic marissa on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 01:11:00 PST

dogmatic, damaged goods.

this time.   this time i shan't dwell on the old devices, the old devourers. except for when their influence, degenerative though their nature is, provides a pathway for potential artwork. then, ...
Posted by mnemonic marissa on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 01:51:00 PST

the altruist.

that summer night as we rushed recklessly from his house, the screen door plunking noisily against its cobwebbed frame, my right sandal skidded unexpectedly upon an unseen substance. in...
Posted by mnemonic marissa on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 01:11:00 PST

silent horizons.

i struggle to envision myself currently - shards of foil glintings, and doubtfully much else.left in the recesses of his cool, calm plunder? am i there, somewhere? no, i cannot be this gap...
Posted by mnemonic marissa on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 02:16:00 PST

ultimately unhinged, (with nabokov's influence).

i have trouble avoiding the abbreviated and the uncouthly abstract lately. when all the time i have to languish in love, loathing, and luscious let-down is circumcised unwillingly. even the ...
Posted by mnemonic marissa on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 11:06:00 PST

on inactivity.

this is a dead, dead evening. father snores brutally from the drab brown couch. (its fibersmimic the sensation of avegetable scrubber set to scour.)i wait at the dictionary,in the pages of a soft-boun...
Posted by mnemonic marissa on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 09:18:00 PST