As One is a female duo consisting of two very talented vocalists, Crystal (Chae Da-Hee) and Lee Min (Lee Min Young). Both vocalists basically grew up in America. Crystal was born in the states, while Lee Min moved to America 8 months after birth. Shin Jae Hong, a famous song writer, saw their potentials and helped them form the R&B group As One in 1999. Using their familiarity with the American R&B style and their skills, the group caught the attention of the Korean Audience from the beginning.
When they released their first album in 1999, people were surprised by the newcomers experienced singing skills, and their album Day By Day became a hit. By the time they released their second album in 2001 they were already being invited as guest singers for famous music albums. In their third album (2003), the duo changed their style a bit with their title song, Mr. A-jo, giving it a more acoustic feeling--emphasizing the guitar, bass, and drum sounds without losing their R&B feeling at the same time.
Also, the group has released a best album DVD, in 2003. The best album includes all of their hit songs in the past five years - from albums and sound tracks they have recorded.
Min and Crystal have been friends for 10 years and spend most of their time, on-and off-stage, together. Both agree that the strong bond has helped the duo last over five years... "We work hard, but we believe our friendship and teamwork made us successful."
Day By Day (1999)
One + One (2000)
Not At All (2001)
Never Too Far (2003)
Forever As One (2003, As One best album)
Restoration (2004)
12 Tears of Farewell (2006)
-per KBS