www.ChristieRicci.net profile picture


I forgot it was ever you!

About Me

I am a professional wrestler and grappler with a M.B.A (how ironic, huh?) I can't wrestle forever, so I figure I better have something to fall back on when I can no longer walk and have tremendous headaches. Outside of wrestling, I haven't found my passion yet, so I'm holding out! I refuse to be the miserable 8 to 5 cubicle ass kisser! I learned how to trade stock, options and futures before I learned how to drive a car, so maybe oneday you will find me on Wall Street. I come off as being the very independent and outgoing individual, but that can be quite misleading. I am independent and I know that I can only count on myself, but I enjoy being able to rely on others and having people in my life that I can share my adventerous life with. Professional wrestling is only the foundation of what I do, but never defines who I am. So who am I? I am the one that will be on the next flight to catch a snow storm for some good snowboarding, meeting some friends in foreign cities for a weekend of good company and hardcore partying, and the person that always enjoys going back to where I came from because family plays such an important role in my life. Don't ever ask me a question, unless you can take the honest truth, and yes I do lie so don't take my honesty as a weakness ;-). I have been told that I am like the Hindu Goddess Kali, the Goddess of Distruction and Dissolution and the Strong One. I'm a little loud at times, yes I enjoy being the center of attention and at times I enjoy just watching and blending into the scenery. Some friends tell me I am wild, crazy and out of control, but I think this behavior just gets me closer to God because it makes life so much more enjoyable. I believe that the greatest concept in life is HEDONISM = if it feels good, do it! I love traveling the world! I have been fortunate in my travels and met so many amazing people developing life time friendships. So I guess you can say I am WORLDWIDE! Haha, just kidding but I do get fan mail from people in over 28 different countries. I enjoy anyone's company that has the patience for my ADHD personality, enjoys listening, laughing and telling a few jokes themself. If you ever see me out, don't be afraid to say hi (I can be quite friendly). I hate negativity so I have no patience for friends that constantly bring me down. I don't hate anything about life, and can only thank God for every day he gives me. The most unusual aspect of my personality is that I even enjoy the difficult times in life. The difficult times make life much more interesting. Without the bad, I could never really appreciate the good so the worse it gets, I know the esctacy from the great will only get better. Now for the qustions I get asked often: Is wrestling real? Let me put you in a crossface chicken wing and I will let you answer that for yourself. Am I really a competitor? Don't ever challenge me to anything because I have the family genes of being very competitive. You must not be from around here in Nashville? No, and I'm not from Miami, New York or L.A. I am from MISSISSIPPI, and I get my style from my emotions (whatever I feel like when I am dressing). No, they are not real, but they are really mine and I have no idea what my real hair color is. I don't have a type in men. I have dated everything from the 5'7" asshole with shortman syndrome (obviousy he was a pro wrestler) to a rockstar to a politician to a preacher's son. My turnoffs are men who don't take care of their bodies, awful pickup lines and people who can't be themselves around me. I won't try to impress you, so don't try to impress me! Some people always ask me if there is ever a serious side to me because I am always making jokes, of course there is, but only certain people ever see it. How many tattoos are on my back or how long did that take? I have no idea, I stopped counting after 10 ;-) But I can tell you what some of them mean. I have a bluebird which represents my father's spirit, Julius Ceasar's latin quote "Vini Vidi Vici" which means "I came, I saw, I conquered," a cross with angel wings, the Hindu God Shiva holding the lotus flower and the Tibetan sword of wisdom, a snake eating its tail and all of the elements of Earth. Will I ever settle down in a relationship? Only if someone sweeps me off my feet! And stop asking me what I want to do after wrestling, because I have no idea. Let me live today and not have to worry about tomorrow.

My Interests

People, every type of sports and athletics, especially watersports, snowboarding, backpacking, hiking, traveling, pro wrestling, mma, boxing. In addition, traveling the entire world (been to 5 continents, only have two left!), the stockmarket, the international financial markets, economics and partying! Damn, I just realized how weird I am. I guess you can say I love life and everything about it!

I'd like to meet:

Everyone and maybe one day the perfect man!






Don't have time for television.


The Game of Life, Market Wizard, Good to Great, Reframing Organizations, the Bible, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, Grappling Master, Gene LeBell's Encyclopedia of Finish Holds, Henry and June, Tarot in the Spirit of Zen, and many more!


Rocky! Anyone you likes getting hit and loves coming back for more.

My Blog

So many mistakes

I have never wrote a blog before because most of the time I think they are ridiculouos and a waste of time, but I read a friend's blog last night that really touched me. I am the type of person that ...
Posted by www.ChristieRicci.net on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 12:30:00 PST