it's about time i got down to the serious business of about me. it's very serious. let's take a breath before we dive in...
i was born in 1981 in a hospital. i had a mother and a father and an older brother. at some point we can add on a dog, some fish, and a toddler toy accident. also there was once an incident with a rubber snake, but that's another story for another time.
we moved house around 1987 from the green house with a lot of stairs to the new house in the new neighborhood. remove the dog and the fish, and add on a trip to disney world. school started. and ended. i changed schools a lot; there was beth david, sternberger, peeler, erwin, kiser and grimsley. i seemed to make it through pretty unscathed. but it gave me a whole new outlook on vanilla flavored yogurt among kids.
after i moved out of the house to go to college, i traveled. i worked for disney world. i backpacked around europe. i was a housekeeper and a customer service rep at a department store. i visited family i hadn't seen since the first house and went to the beach as often as possible. then i came home and worked odd jobs until i moved out of the new house again.
now i'm in durham, one of the most awesomest cities in north carolina. i've got a good job, a house, and no dog. i hang out with friends at the bar, just a little too much. i run. i walk. i ass-sit my way to the hammentaschen shop. all in all i'm pretty exciting, no?