Susanne ♥ profile picture

Susanne ♥


About Me

I'm on MySpace to stay connected to my friends and aquaintences...and reconnect with ghosts from the past. I don't want to meet boys, as I already have the boy who I'm going to spend my life with. I used to be the socialite behind the once great NaperVIPs...alas, I'm an "old, almost-married type" now who would rather stay home, drink some beer and play Wii with the best of the best. If you want to paint Naperville red, then make friends with my girl, Miss Jewels. She has the social crown now!
I'm a total dork (I act really stupid when you know me!), I'm more inclined to stay home than go out, I road-rage with the best of 'em, I worry all the time about disappointing people I care about, my room is usually buried in clothes *smirk*, I have the worst vision of anyone I know, I try to control my photo-whoring and have decided I can't *grin, flash*, I fear rejection and failure, I have a hard time truly trusting people and I'm stubborn as hell... but in spite of all this; if you're close to my heart, you will be glad. Just ask Mikey ♥
This profile was edited with Thomasâ€,, Myspace Editor V3.4

My Interests

♥ Writing: In all forms, Chicago suburbia, Competitive horseback riding, singing & playing piano, writing music, listening to music, making-out to music, good food and great wine, the sun, moon and stars, getting lost in my fiancee's beautiful eyes, the ocean, going out, playing poker, people, fashion, print/web-design, travel...oh! and Social fabulous-ness ♥

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I'd like to meet:

♥ I already have the man of my dreams and awesome, loyal, giving friends...but no one can have too many friends, right?



gwen stefan i
the killers
carbon leaf
black eyed peas
maroon 5
ben folds
green day


best in show
love actually
fight club
garden state
office space
life is beautiful
shakespeare in love
tommy boy
napolean dynomite
royal tenenbaums
old school
pulp fiction
run lola run


the bachelor
hell's kitchen
america's next top model
project runway
the office
sex & the city
cold case files
american justice
real world/road rules
the apprentice
dr phil
the girls next door


♥ Memoirs of a Geisha, Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Mars and Venus on a Date, Marley & Me, Seabiscuit, The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke... ♥


♥ Men who treat and cherish women like Princesses ♥ so rare...but SO appreciated *smile*, my big brother Joel, Suze Orman- my personal finance guru, the honorable Judge Marylin Milian of The People's Court
and Dr. Phil . ♥

Most amazing fiancee ever ♥

My Blog

How Appropriate, A Wedding Survey!

Wedding Survey! 1. what day of the year? Saturday October 11th, 2008, bitches!! Get out your fancy clothes! 2. what kind of weather? Hopefully sunny and not too cold 3. inside or outside?  Inside...
Posted by Susanne ♥ on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:07:00 PST

Puppy Justice

So...I've always played with dogs at Happiness is Pets, biding the time until Mikey and I could get one. Well, we started to pay closer attention recently during our "play" sessions with various puppi...
Posted by Susanne ♥ on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 07:26:00 PST

** Pictures from the Lodge 11/25 **

Alright... here they are. I don't know why they're blurry, either I have a crappy new camera or I was drunk and swaying a lot while photographing. *shrug* Enjoy....
Posted by Susanne ♥ on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 04:19:00 PST

Seven Deadly Sins Halloween at Mullen's!

Thank you so much to everyone who made it out to support my event "Seven Deadly Sins" at my bar, Mullen's in Lisle. My true friends made an awesome showing. xoxo..And....the couple of the night (sorry...
Posted by Susanne ♥ on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:31:00 PST

Protect the Animals I Love!

Please do your part and support this bill!! This site tells you who to contact, the SHARK site (below) does also...even if you just paste my letter! As a horse lover for many years, I am horrified to ...
Posted by Susanne ♥ on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 11:41:00 PST

**Last Weekend's Pics... Sound-Bar 5/20**

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to Sound-Bar last Saturday to support Megan and my launch of 24 Karat Events... it was a blast! xoxo...
Posted by Susanne ♥ on Sun, 28 May 2006 01:18:00 PST

Incompetency at its Finest

I hope Child Protective Services isn't surprised when something horrible eventually happens to this kid. I mean, unfortunately, it's inevitable. And she's having another one! Wow.Somebody sterilize th...
Posted by Susanne ♥ on Fri, 26 May 2006 10:15:00 PST

*Pics* Friday 3/3 at Rizzo's

I don't feel like writing captions. I'm lazy. Deal with it.ANNNNND I'm spent....
Posted by Susanne ♥ on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 09:40:00 PST

*Pics* Rizzo's, Feb 25th

Crissy, John, Mikey and I went to Rizzo's last night... here's the proof. Look who WE found there... surprise, surprise... One of the craziest mo-fo's I know. Seriously. He and Crissy are PERF...
Posted by Susanne ♥ on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 09:04:00 PST

*Pics* Friday 2/17 at Crobar

We braved the freeeeeezing cold on Friday night to meet up with everyone at was fabulous (even though I lost my new cell, BOO!). xoxo to my ladies! I've missed you! Funny how we al...
Posted by Susanne ♥ on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 09:03:00 PST