Filmography: love stunts, love acting. Music: love to sing, love my guitar, love my mum's piano (and dearly miss our baby grand!) Friends: love 'em and i'd die without 'em
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*sigh* superman *she says in a dreamy far off voice* OOOoo!! oh oh oh! Dean Cain!!! yes...must admit he is my favorite superman *sorry Tom* I'd also like to meet peter jackson and jj abrams. Ok, this is a new one and, my friends, believe it or not,has nothing to do with stunts or film or superman... billy mcguigan. shizam what a voice!
O boy...hear we go. I'm pretty diversital(that's spelled wrong isn't it..) Don't care too much for rap or R&B but lets name some that i do care for: Lynard Skynard, Queen, Jackson Five (what happend to little Mikey?!), Eagles, Pink Floyd (thanks to the musical influences of Mark), Aerosmith, Beatles, Buddy Holly, bit o Elvis (many bows and thanks to his contibutions to the musician's universe!), all of the 50's and 60's stuff that I could have sworn EVERYone knew until I mentioned it to some of those musically lost souls of my generation that just replied, "Who?!?" All those songs that I think would be sooo fun to dance to if only I could dance, Of course some of the modern rock - can't say I like specific bands, but there are definitley some awesome songs out there!! Oh, Evenesence is good. BILLY MCGUIGAN - those of you who've never listened to should. His stuff rocks. Music is....
ones with good stunts....lotr and chronicles of narnia are good. yeah, and batman begins, the superman movies (duh! i miss chris...)POTC, the Zorro movies, Indiana Jones movies, Back to the Future movies (Johnny B Good... also one of those songs that I swore everyone knew...someday I'll play that solo!!) I like comedies...they make me laugh (miss captain obvious). there's no way i'm listing all my favorites...
smallville...lois and clark the new adventure of superman (shame they ever cancled that)... lost....yeah, I really don't watch a whole lot of tv thanks to AFN (the military tv for those in weird countries like Germany) which leaves a lot to be desired.
Tolkien, Poe, Austen, Rowling, good ol' william if I'm in the mood to sit down and read with a dictionary next to me, and so much more *sorry these are authors not books, but I'd rather not write the titles of all their indidual works!*
uh....hehe - does superman count? Ok, honestly? It's hard to say. As much as you may love or respect someone, it hard to truly look up to them when you know that some day, in some way shape or form, they will let you down.... whether they mean to or not.