~*Mallory Grace*~ profile picture

~*Mallory Grace*~


About Me

Uh...I love to have fun and warm weather of course! I love doing new things, meeting new people, hanging out with friends, ect. I just happen to be living in Costa Rica for 4 months so right now my life is crazy, exciting, adventurous, and best of all im getting to meet tons of new people!I have a fabulous boyfriend...Nick...who I love like crazy and miss very much right now. Being in Costa Rica has actually made me realize how much i truly LOVE where im from, my family, and my friends. I guess that being away helps you see whats most important in life. so...I guess that's pretty much me...¡PuRa ViDa!

Layout made by LaYoUtS_bY_kAsEy @ myspace [d0t] cOm !!!

My Interests

Well, I like to relax, go to concerts, go camping, going to the lake(or ocean depending on where I am). I guess I like to run sometimes, but I have to be in the right mood. Most of all I like to be hanging out with friends and enjoying life.

I'd like to meet:

At this point...I would like to meet baby Destiny and baby Jaden who will be comming soon!


I love almost everything but now we can add Reggeton and most Latin music to the list...thanks to Costa Rica!


I've never been able to say favorite movies BUT I'm a big fan of chickflicks...yeah, thats right, I cry....and comedies.


well...i think I am pretty much obsessed with American Idol when it's on...I know...that's lame BUT I love it! Thats about it, dont find myself watching much TV lately.


family and friends, not original but so true.

My Blog


That's right......finals again! it's 2:30 in the morning and i'm no where near done with my studying! Gotta love it! NOT!
Posted by ~*Mallory Grace*~ on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 01:30:00 PST

Costa Rica

So...in about 5 weeks I leave for Costa Rica to study abroad. This is pretty much the scariest/craziest thing I have ever done. I've never lived away from home or been away from my family for this lon...
Posted by ~*Mallory Grace*~ on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 03:28:00 PST


Posted by ~*Mallory Grace*~ on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 10:15:00 PST

guess what time is it??

Guess what time of the school year it is.....THATS RIGHT! Finals is here and I hate it. I never write blogs, never ever ever but i decided to tonight because i'm just that bored AN...
Posted by ~*Mallory Grace*~ on Mon, 08 May 2006 07:43:00 PST

what makes me sexy...

What Makes You Sexy?by eva71 Name/NickName Gender Sexy Body Part Is Everything Special Talents Are Everything (Multi-talented) Quiz created with MemeGen!...
Posted by ~*Mallory Grace*~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST