MiSs HoLLy profile picture

MiSs HoLLy

I am here for Friends

About Me

first of all... i do beleive in god. i have a beautiful son named tredan... who means the world to me and i love him sooo much!!! he's the most bestest friend anyone could ask for. he loves me for who i am and doesnt judge me for what i do. even though, he may get mad at me. my friends and family mean a lot to me. let's see... eh...CaPtAiN, yAgEr BomBs, nEw EnGlAnD pAtRiOts, SwEeT tEa, TiRe SwInGs, CrUnChY lEaVeS, pOpSiClEs, PoPrOcKs, TaTtOoS, pEiRcInGs, FuNkY sOcKs, RaIn, WaTeR bAllOoN fIgHtS, gUmMi WoRmS, dANdYLiOn PuFfS, cHaPsTiCk, LiP gLoSs, SpRiNkLeRs, and of course, TrEdAn are all AmAzING and fAnTaStIc!!!!! i'm pretty much a nerd but a happy go lucky nerd... i can be serious, but most the time i like to goof off and act like a dork... but at least im havin fun :) i'm not a shy person... i will tell you just about anything and everything... so if you want to know... just ask me... oh... and... yeah... tredan is the most awesome kid ever... so stick that in your juice box!!!!
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My Interests

whatever catches my eye, even if its a tiny speckle on the floor!

I'd like to meet:

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alternative, heavy, punk, ska, some country... im just now starting to tolerate the hip-hop stuff... but absolutely no gangster rap... that stuff is annoying!!..


lets see... eh, definetly FRIED GREEN TOMATOES!!! (i could watch it over and over)strange lande, napoleon dynamite, bench warmers, talladega nights, um... american history x, slc punks, breakfast club, anarchiest cookbooks, and im sure theres a lot more. okay, im not really big on chick flicks, but the notebook is an awesome tear-jerker! oh yeah, and i kinda have a soft spot for mandy moore movies :)oh and a really good scarry movie... only if there is a dude around... because i can get scared easily.


eh, i dont really watch it much... just normally around the morning when we are waiting for the bus or the evening when i am trying to calm tredan down or when the patriots are playin!!! whoop whoop...


whatever kid book tredan wants me to read him :)


god and absolutely my family... they mean everything to me, i would be lost without them... they have helped me out with a lot. and especially tredan... mommy loves you bunches, little dude!

My Blog

tredan... mommy loves you little dude!!!

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Posted by MiSs HoLLy on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 06:46:00 PST

first day of skool

so wow, today was tredan's first day of skool. he was so excited... i figured i would cry, but i didn't, although i wanted too. he was all pumped up. maw, meme, and brandon were there to watch him get...
Posted by MiSs HoLLy on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 05:45:00 PST


Posted by MiSs HoLLy on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 02:00:00 PST

this is what happens when your sooo flippin tired and bored!

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Posted by MiSs HoLLy on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 11:16:00 PST