Yoga, looking at pictures of Siena, hanging out with Siena, toots and choochies, reading, re-centering, relaxing, traveling, my bed, skin time, spooning with my dog, cuddling with my cat, thinking about how wonderful my family is, Cubs games...lots of Cubs games, making our house fabulous, siesta-ing, Judds mix cds, listening to them.
Czeslaw Milosz, my great-grandmother, Mario Testino, Mendelson, the wee-ones.
anything that Julia likes, you can cross off my list ;)
Casablanca, Philadelphia Story, Almost Famous, Lost in Translation, Sliding Doors, The Graduate, Annie Hall, Home for the Holidays. I'm also known for my horrible taste in English romantic comedies.
not a big fan.
Anything by Czeslaw Milosz, Hemingway, D.H. Lawrence, Jane Austen, ee cummings.
People who do what they love despite the financial consequences.