To be a person of truth, be swayed neither by approval nor disapproval.
Work at not needing approval from anyone and you will be free to be who you really are.- Rebbe Nachman of Breslov"Extolled above women be Yael,
The wife of Heber the Kenite,
Extolled above women in the tent.
He asked for water, she gave him milk;
She brought him cream in a lordly dish.
She stretched forth her hand to the nail,
Her right hand to the workman's hammer,
And she smote Sisera; she crushed his head,
She crashed through and transfixed his temples.
At her feet he curled himself, he fell, he lay still;
At her feet he curled himself, he fell;
And where he curled himself, let it be, there he fell dead."Some Guides on the path...“A warrior must only take care that his spirit is not brokenâ€"You might as well stand and fight because if you run, you will only die tired."
~~Sei Shin KanI am Lover of my Beloved, Imma to my three blessings, a dreamer of dreams and maker of my home. I have homeschooled now for about 11 years and it is our way of life. I am a doula, childbirth advocate, preschool teacher, healer, Jill-of-all-trades, Mistress of none (yet). My small garden has become a Sacred Place for me and I nuture it as it nurtures me. I am a gypsy who has lived many places and been many people. I have done and been so much in this lifetime I wonder that I lived any past lives or maybe I was just really bored then and determined not to make at least that same mistake this time around. I am hoping I get it right this time around so I won't have to come back. I love to empower women and help them to see how absolutely amazing and capable they are! As you can see I have many interests and have delved into them all. I want to help bring peace to this world and beauty to people's lives. I love to tell stories, learn Torah and chassidut, pray, spin wool and weave. My dream is to live in Tsfat. I aspire to someday grow up and become the local village Wise Woman.
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