Richard profile picture


Guess what...You're gonna die someday...maybe today

About Me

Occasionally, I will take a break from my relentless efforts to crush my enemies in order to contemplate with joy the subtle beauty of a tiny bunny rabbit sniffing a fluffy pink flower. Such scenes of loveliness bring tears to my eyes.Oh yes, ladies, as you can see, I am both strong and sensitive.

My Interests

Reality, Fantasy, and other dialectic pairings La realidad, la fantasia y otras parejas dialecticas

I'd like to meet:

God and Alan Greenspan (unless you believe they are the same person, in which case, just Alan Greenspan)


I've been known to enjoy the rousing melodies of Bach and Tchaikovsky. I've also been know to enjoy the equally rousing melodies of monkeys hooting and throwing feces in the Peten rainforest at 6 in the morning...Oh divine nature! We cannot match your excellence!Mark Twain on Wagner's Music: "It's not as bad as it sounds"


I recently saw a German film called "The Fall: The Last days of Hitler". It was an amazing portrait of Hitler's secretary during the last days of the Nazi regime. Watching it, one can almost feel pity for Hitler and all of his doomed partners. They believed in the righteousness and correctness of their plans right up to the very end. One is lead to empathize with the daily experiences of Hitler's young secretary despite the fact that she was a servant to one of the most evil tyrants in modern history. In this sense, the film provides us with an intuitive understanding of what social philiosopher Hannah Arendt has termed "the banality of evil" - the idea that people who carry out unspeakable crimes may not be crazy fanatics at all, but rather ordinary individuals who simply accept the premises of their state and participate in any ongoing enterprise with the energy of good bureaucrats. Sound familiar?Conclusion: We are all Nazis serving in George Bush's evil empire


There was this show I used to watch as a kid. I think it was called "Today's Special". The main character was a mouse with a blue shirt and sneakers. He would solve mysteries and go on adventures. I loved that show as a kid...No wonder I have so many identity problems.


Non-fiction and Fiction though I'm not opposed to the reference section either


Epictetus, Sir Francis Bacon, John Maynard Keynes and several other people with penises. Seriously, ladies, aren't you offended by the sexist language of this page? There is no space for heroines...only patriarchal testosterone filled "heroes". Let's all go burn our bras.