My name is James Burrows, Jr. I am a 19 year old minister of the word and song from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania... I reside in Des Moines Iowa as of January 2009. I have had the opportunity to minister all over with Minister John Murray & Worship... In 2007 I graduated from Olney High School and do plan on attending college in the near future! I enjoy working in the house of God! On July 27, 2008 I married my best friend, Allenda Latrice Scott. Loving her is easy because she is my world!!!!!!!!!! Everybody knows that I am crazy and known to be quite funny BUT very serious when it comes to God and his people! I am all about souls and bringing young and old men and women to Christ....... For it's not about our business but it's all about God's business!!!!! If you wish to know more about me, send me a message or something! PEACE!!!
Name: James Burrows Jr.
Birthday: May 12th
Birthplace: Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Current Location: Dallas Texas
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 6'0
Your Best Physical Feature: My Eyes & Lips
Do you think you are Attractive: Yes... & Everybody Say Amen... LOL!!!
Do you belive in yourself: Yes
Your Bedtime: Whenever I Get Sleepy
Do you get along with your Parents: Sometimes
Heaven or Hell: Heaven All The Way!
Time You Leave for Church on Sunday: 11am... We Start Late
Do You Go To Prayer Service: When We Have It
Your Bedtime: You Asked That Already! LOL!!!
Have you Been in Love: Yes & Still Am
Do you want to get Married: Yes
Favorite Foods: Fried Chicken & Baked Mac & Cheese
T.V. or Movies: T.V.
Cingular, T-Mobil, Sprint, or Nextel: SPRINT
Do you Sing: All The Time
Do you Play an Instrument: Yes... The Drums
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A High School Counselor Right Now
Favorite Vacation Spot: Aruba When I Finally Go!
Number of CDs U Own: WOW! LOST COUNT!
Ever been Drunk: NO!
Ever been Beaten Up: Not Without Beating The Other Person Up At The Same Time!
Are You Saved: Yes!
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