Adam profile picture


By the power of grayskull!

About Me

So apparently what I had listed previously in my "about me" section wasn't really my life, but just sort of a summary of the TV show "The Jeffersons." Now it makes sense, because for a while I was like, hey, if I own all these dry cleaning things, how come I don't make any more money than I do? And what's the deal with all these animals? It's actually sort of bad to dry clean an animal. SO... I'm mainly just a vet right now.

My Interests

I'm really interested in finding a way to convert ordinary snot into gold. I have perfected the creation of the snot, but the into gold part is really turning out to be tricky.

I'd like to meet:

President Taft. I think he was the fattest president ever.


Burt Reynolds. He put out an album back in '79 that is just pure gold. A timeless classic.


There is this movie where this Japanese girl gets a flat tire out in the country, and then this tow truck driver shows up, and I was thinking: "there's something unusual going on here." I don't want to give away how it ended, but I have to say I looked into becoming a tow truck driver after that movie.


Pete Ricketts has a show where people pick hot chicks with briefcases full of money. Deal with my Deal. Let's make a Deal. Deal or no Deal. Deal after Deal. Something like that.


I want to read a book (or possibly listen to a book on tape) about how to become independently wealthy in real estate. Or by selling knick knacks. That will be my favorite book, when it comes out.


Trix Bunny. Nestle Quik Bunny. Bugs Bunny. All those courageous and influential bunnies that blazed new trails and gave so many others so much opportunity. You don't see bunnies with that kind of courage or integrity these days.

My Blog

More on Rock n Roll

I heard today that that singer Paul McCartney has to pay his one legged ex wife like several million dollars.  How is it that you can be worth that much and wind up not signing a pre nuptial agre...
Posted by Adam on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 06:41:00 PST

Political Fever

There sure are a lot of political talks right now.  The big election is coming up, and who are we going to make the new boss of the free world?  I'lll tell you who I'm voting for.  I pu...
Posted by Adam on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:02:00 PST

The Truth about Honey

The other day as I was finishing up sucking about 8 oz of 100% pure clover honey right from the bears head, I was thinking about production agriculture, and thinking to myself that in this urban area ...
Posted by Adam on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 04:51:00 PST

Wasted Talents

If you have ever watched the "Ghost Whisperer" or "A Current Affair" TV shows, you would know that there are a few people in this world that possess special mental powers.  They can som...
Posted by Adam on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 09:50:00 PST


It really irks me when people say the word "chipotle" all wrong.  So many people say it, and are all like "chih-POLE-tay," which is a total abomination and a crime against the spanish language.&n...
Posted by Adam on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 08:17:00 PST

Is Rock N' Roll Morally Wrong?

As of right now, I don't have a rock band.  If I did get a rock band though, I would probably call it "Cup of Pee."  And like, if we played for a while and were rocking, and like playing som...
Posted by Adam on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 08:11:00 PST

The Thing About Being a Vegan

Have you ever heard of a vegan?  I have, and I have even known some of them.  When I meet them, I always have to express surprise that they really exist, then I ask how to do the death grip....
Posted by Adam on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 08:15:00 PST

I want to be Junior Bonner

Did you ever see the movie Junior Bonner, with Steve McQueen?  It was in the 70's, and it rocks big time.  Junior just had a big old caddy convertible and a 1 horse trailer and an awesome ro...
Posted by Adam on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 07:57:00 PST