HOT personality
You have a HOT personality. You love wearing revealing cloths and you couldn't live a second without your make-up. GO YOU !!! Take the quiz: "What kind of eyes do you have?"
your eyes have never seen a cloudy day. Your eyes are very big and beautiful, and you loves animals and getting into a little inncoent trouble every here and see the world like a big playground. when u see something new you dont hesatate to try it out, or get a closer look. Take the quiz: "Which Spice Girl Are You?"
Baby Spice (Emma)
Well, youre like baby. what can i say? you like the color pink, your not to smart, you like to pretend youre sweet and innocent when really youre just a bitch whose mean to everyone. - ... Music Video Codes and Audio Codes for Websites and Webpages 4 Free