Live gigs, festivals, travel, food, cycling, camper vans.Im very into nature and outdoors.
Nelson Mandela or..... a soulmate would be good at this point not sounding too desperate an all that.............:)
Too many to mention. Elvis Costello, Bowie,U2, Radiohead, Futureheads, Ska & Reggae, Arcade Fire, Delgado's Jeeeeezzzzz many many more......
Sea of Love,Carlito's Way anything with Mr Pacino, Shawshank, Monster, Sean of the Dead, Beautiful Mind. Anything with Jeff Bridges I absolutely love The Big Lobowsky & Fearless. Wild at Heart. Brief Encounter, White Xmas!
Anything trashy that I can just numb my mind and tune out. I do like I Have I got news for you,Romm 101, Buzzcocks, documentarys, Louis Theroux.I love Nighty Nite, League of Gent,Office,LB of course Later with the amazing Mr Holland............I just wish someone could bring back the excitement of The Tube.
Currently ready John Peel Margarve of the Marshes
Elvis Costello, Bono,Larry, The Edge, Adam, anyone that cares & looks after humans & indeed anything breathing that is in need in this world.