PPL SAID ABOUT ME: 1."You look like a dead person while sleeping" (c)Andreja 2."She is like a book, you have to open it to get to know it for real" (c)Primoz 3."You are a true grace" (c)Monika&Natalija 4."You're quite alternative, though I still haven't found a characteristic that would present you as the only child of the family" (c)Bostjan 5."You have a perfect hand for guitar playing" (c)Matej 6."I always thought you were a student of culturology" (c)Maja 7. "You are insane" (c)Mom
MY ANSWER: 1.Happens that I like sleeping on my back (with my head up) which the majority of ppl rarely do, maybe that's why the dead person image. 2.I am a secret for the ones that don't know me for real. However, I never begged anyone to like me. I have my mistakes, some accept them others don't; as well as I don't accept everyone passing my way. 3.Maybe a bit nicer in the past...but you get tired of that as well. 4.Not as alternative as I would like to be. 5. :)a part of myself (besides the frekles and hair) I like the most. 6.Let me just say I am not a typical international relations student. 7. I have some misterious inner passions that make me appear like a not very sensible person to others sometimes. However; I still believe you will have problems finding a more resonable person then me.
CONCLUSION: you better make one yourself
ONE DAY I'LL TRULY DO STH LIKE THIS: "No, torej govorila mi je, da je tisti dan sla na cesto z rumenimi cvetlicami v rokah, da bi jo naposled nasel, in ko bi se to ne bilo zgodilo, da bi se zastrupila, ces da ji je zivljenje prazno." Mihail Bulgakov, Mojster in Margareta
Combining my passions: music, friends and languages:
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Krystof - Sqele, one of my dearest videos ever
MSN: [email protected]
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