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About Me

well, what can I say? my name is chris, known to many as "Pletch" because of my last name. I am a Texan by birth, but I recently moved to the amazing Bay Area to hang out with the crazy kids of P-Town and do Young Life. I am not really sure how i got here, but I am glad to call myself a resident of NorCal.I love the outdoors, anything from football and soccer to mountain biking (love the ridge!!!) to snowboarding, which is quite possibly the greatest thing ever. I have some amazing friends here in Pleasanton, both young and old. I get to do Young Life for my job, which still doesn't make sense to me. If you want to know more, just ask. The rest of this is just some thoughts on life. I heard about Jesus about 8 years ago and things have been crazy ever since. Good times, bad times, and everything in between. I love life though, and I believe that God wants us to know that He knows our pain and He loves us. Anyway, read on if you like. Peace!Life is for living, and I want to live it to the full. But to be alive is to be broken. To be alive is to experience that something is off. Something is missing.But I have experienced something bigger than that brokeness and things make a little more sense now. There was a man who talked alot about restoring life. He talked about crossing over from death to life. And then He did it. He was killed, and then He lived again. Jesus overcame what most of us fear. And He invites us to experience this restoration. He invites us freely into the love of God. He invites freely into new life.In Him we see life the way is was meant to be lived - in humility and love, in kindness toward each other, in service of one another. He shows us that we were never supposed to be the self-absorbed people that we are and that true life is found when we give our lives for others. People is what every day is about. Knowing and being known. Loving and being loved. To know God is to experience what we were made for. Through the death and life of Christ, forgiveness is given to those who will simply receive it, and the process of restoration begins. We begin to reconnect with Him and with one another.This life is so much more that what we see on the surface. I want to get past shallow living and be a part of true life - life where I don't have to hide what is really going on because I know that I am loved regardless. That's the kindness of God. That is grace. Like I said, we're all broken. Life is a mess, but God brings healing and His truth makes sense of it all. I am so grateful for the cross and the empty tomb. I am so grateful for grace and love that is bigger than my sin. I am so thankful that God would love a wretch like me and give me new life. If you don't know Him yet, know that He knows you. Everything you long for finds it's satisfaction in Him. I know you feel it. Most of us just look for it in the wrong place. I pray you find it in Him.

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